Category: EP600: The Psychology of Learning

    CourseworkEP600: The Psychology of LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Collaborativist Learning Theory: Elaboration and Expansion

    In the Unit 14 Signature Assignment, we were to focus on one learning theory, and were allowed to elaborate on just one aspect of the learning theory as long as we contextualized it. Outlined below you will find the central sections of the paper. Purpose and Goals: In this section, we were to outline the reason why we were focusing on this learning theory as well as explain the relevance of our discussion. In other words, were to clearly set forth our thesis about the learning theory we chose. Explanation of Learning Theory: We were to describe the learning theory...
    CourseworkEP600: The Psychology of LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    The Future of Learning

    Our task for Unit 13 of Module 7 was to develop 3-4 PowerPoint slides with audio using Canvas Studio responding to the central questions of what types of changes are currently occurring as well as what types of changes could take place in the future with the theories, technologies, and learning environments that Harasim and Mishra et al. outline. We were to follow the standard PowerPoint protocol and use bullet points rather than paragraphs. We were also to show the slide and elaborate with details and nuances in our verbal presentation. A final slide with the list of references in...
    CourseworkEP600: The Psychology of LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Interrogating Collaborativism

    Our task for Module 5 was to analyze collaborativism. We were allowed to develop our own ideas and questions. Our goal was to be both argumentative and informed. Additionally, we were directed to create a strong thesis and elaborate on the text. We were given the following questions to use as a guide: We were allowed to develop our own ideas and questions. Our goal was to be both argumentative and informed. We needed to create a strong thesis and elaborate on the text. 3-4 double-spaced pages, excluding title page, abstract, and references. Interrogating Collaborativism Frank Jamison The Chicago School...
    CourseworkEP600: The Psychology of LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Designing Collaborative Activities

    In our group, consisting of Kristena Rosselli and myself, the Module 4 task was to create a group collaborative online assignment. In other words, we would be designing a collaborative assignment or training task that could be given to a small group of online students or employees for them to accomplish together. The final product was to include a technological component as well as a collaborative component. We were allowed to choose whatever discipline or profession we liked (Psychology, English, History, IT, healthcare, and so on), and we could also determine the age and achievement level of students, ranging from...
    CourseworkEP600: The Psychology of LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Toward a Psychology of Human Agency

    The Module 3 assignment provides some practice in reading an original theorist. Albert Bandura is a central theorist within the field of social cognitive theory, and our task in this assignment was to summarize Bandura’s (2006) discussion of human agency and social cognitive theory. Social cognitive theory is a useful bridge between cognitive theory and constructivist theory. We needed to focus our discussion very carefully, providing a clear thesis about our focus. Bandura’s discussion is highly theoretical, complex, and multi-leveled. We were not to try to cover all the details. In completing this assignment, we were to start by taking...
    CourseworkEP600: The Psychology of LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Enacting and Analyzing Behaviorism

    Our task for Module 2 was to create an activity that employs behaviorism as its central learning theory. To further complicate the task, we needed to include a technological element in the activity, relying on Harasim’s (2017) discussion. The activity should be an assignment that we would use in either a classroom or a training environment.  It was to include the following: The second section of the assignment is a written analysis of why the scenario/activity that we provided is behaviorist, connecting that discussion to the readings in Unit 3 and Unit 4. In that analysis, we needed to discuss...
    CourseworkEP600: The Psychology of LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    The SAMR Model: An Application in Basic Web Development

    This week, for Module 1, we were to design an assignment or task within a learning environment, either a school or a workplace, in a discipline or subject area with which we feel comfortable. The assignment must require the use of media (educational technology). The assignment should be approximately one page, and the audience must be the intended students/participants. In other words, we were not to write a paper describing the assignment. We needed to provide the context for the assignment. In other words, who are the intended students, and what is the assignment’s goal? In addition to developing the...
    Course DescriptionsEP600: The Psychology of LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    EP600: The Psychology of Learning

    While this was not the first course I took in this program, I consider EP600: The Psychology of Learning to be the Educational Psychology and Technology program’s introductory course. This promises to be an exciting journey, and the course specifics are as follows. Official Course Description This course examines the theory of human learning with an emphasis on behavioral, cognitive, and technological models. The course also includes a focus on constructivist theory and learner types. Institutional Learning Competencies and Outcomes Institutional Learning Outcome Addressed Scholarship Graduates will be able to integrate scientific research and theory, as broadly defined, to enhance...