Category: Teaching Methodologies

    CourseworkEducational StrategiesInclusive EducationITL606 Learners and Learning IINational UniversityTeaching Methodologies

    Between-Class vs. Within-Class Grouping

    In preparing for the opening of the new K-8 school, Barlett Canyon Academy, it quickly becomes obvious to the principal, Ms. Patel, that “something different” will be needed with instructional strategies. Bartlett Canyon Academy is drawing its highly diverse student population from several local communities. Individual differences in educational backgrounds, special needs, and home environments are substantial. Ms.Patel decided to approach her faculty. “What is the best way to address our problem of such diverse learners?” begins Ms.Patel. Ms. Díaz, a seasoned sixth-grade teacher, suggests that classes at each grade level be organized into tracks to create high, average, and low groups. Each group then works...
    CourseworkEducational TechnologyITL606 Learners and Learning IILearning TheoriesNational UniversityTeaching Methodologies

    Theory to Practice

    This assignment is designed to make connections between key learning theories and UDL principles in the context of our three Focus Students. Deliverable Create an electronic presentation (Prezi, PPT, Weebly, etc.) on Learning Theories. You must include for each given theory the connections to UDL and also to your current teaching schema of your whole class and your 3 Focus Students (ITL 604). How are you currently using theories in your teaching practices, and which learners are you targeting this learning theory for (who does it provide additional access to?). You must provide a reference page and have citations throughout...