Category: Teacher Professional Development

    Assessment and FeedbackCourse DescriptionsEducational DesignITL526 Single Subject Integrated Design INational UniversityTeacher Professional Development

    ITL526 Single Subject Integrated Design I

    Snapshot Overview of ITL26: Integrated Design I What do we want students to know and be able to do? How will we know if they are successful in achieving mastery? How can we ensure all students have equitable access to the curriculum and are receiving the appropriate supports and instruction to achieve this mastery? Each week scaffolds you to thinking deeply about these questions and create lesson design components that allow you to easily answer these questions for your given lesson. Effective teaching involves developing and creating standards-aligned instruction, activities, and assessments that support the needs of all learners. With...
    Educational TechnologySTEM Education StrategiesTeacher Professional Development

    Catalyzing Classroom Innovation: Strategies and Resources for Enhanced STEM Teaching

    In the ever-evolving landscape of education, preparing our students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century has become an imperative task. At the forefront of this educational revolution is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, which equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world. For teachers dedicated to fostering a passion for STEM subjects in their students, the task can be both rewarding and demanding. This article, courtesy of, serves as a guiding light, offering invaluable tips, tools, and innovative teaching ideas that will empower educators to craft engaging...
    Educational Standards and PracticesStudent-Centered Teaching StrategiesTeacher Professional Development

    Unpacking and Reflecting on TPE 3

    As teacher candidates, we are acquiring knowledge and skills to understand and begin to apply the Teacher Performance Expectations. We utilize the TPEs because they also align with how districts will assess us and our readiness when we apply for a teaching position. After we receive our first teaching assignment, we will be required to clear our credentials. Guess what? The TPEs come into play again! Induction programs (for clearing our credentials) will evaluate our strengths and growth areas as new teachers. In this course and future courses, the TPE assignments will get us prepared and thus help us begin...
    CourseworkEducational Policy and ComplianceITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversitySpecial Education and InclusionTeacher Professional Development

    IEP vs. 504 Plan

    For our Week 2 Discussion, we were to provide a video or written reflection of what we learned from the IEP Team Process video as well as the video on the differences between an IEP and 504 (see below).  In addition to our summary of the videos, we were to reflect by answering the following questions: Assignment Grade: 5/5
    CourseworkEducational Standards and AssessmentInstructional Strategies and Classroom ManagementITL600 Becoming a TeacherNational UniversityTeacher Professional Development

    Unpacking the TPEs & Reflecting on Them

    As teacher candidates, we are acquiring knowledge and skills to understand and begin to apply the Teacher Performance Expectations. We utilize the TPE’s because they also align with how districts will assess us and our readiness when we apply for a teaching position. After we receive our first teaching assignment, we will be required to clear our credentials. Guess what, the TPE’s come into play again! Induction programs (for clearing our credentials) will evaluate our strengths and growth areas as new teachers. In this course and future courses, the TPE assignments will get us prepared and thus help us begin...
    CourseworkCultural Awareness in TeachingITL600 Becoming a TeacherMulticultural EducationNational UniversityTeacher Professional Development

    Cultural Iceberg

    Teacher identity, culture and values play a significant role in the classroom. In this assignment, we were to dive deeper (literally) into our own cultural iceberg. This Cultural Iceberg analogy coined by Gary Weaver (1986) shows us how there are many layers in culture. We, humans, are like icebergs in that a part of our culture is above water, but the majority of it is underwater and “unseen” by others. Sometimes, we refer to the culture that is underwater as the “deep” culture because it may not be something that is seen, heard, or experienced. Before we can become culturally...
    CourseworkEducational Growth StrategiesITL600 Becoming a TeacherNational UniversityReflective Self-AssessmentTeacher Professional Development

    ITL Teacher Dispositions Self-Assessment

    Dispositions are qualities one possesses or acquires to meet the expectations of a profession. The dispositions developed by the Sanford College of Education are the professional standards and dispositions that teachers must possess and adhere to be effective in their classroom and the profession. The Professional Dispositions self-assessment survey will be completed at various points of the program of your studies to ensure you possess an understanding of the foundational topics that govern an educator’s practice, including understanding professional standards of practice, code of ethics, and relevant laws. Disposition self-assessment allows teacher candidates to reflect upon and assess their teaching...