Equitable Learning Environments

    For this assignment, we reflected upon the facilitation of equitable learning environments and SEL strategies apparent in the classroom and built deeper background knowledge of the topic. You examined the Cal TPA rubrics (criterion and levels), and we reflected upon our practice as a teacher (student teacher, independent teacher, or other facilitation of learning environments) and how we plan to grow with respect to maintaining effective environments for student learning and the area of planning instruction and designing learning experiences for all students.



    First, watch the following videos:

    Then, read and examine each TPA Cycle 1 Rubric (1.1 – 1.8) to build context for the expectations within the TPA (Criterion and level descriptors)

    • CalTPA: California Teaching Performance Assessment
      1. Select the “Cycle One” tab that applies to your credential program.
      2. Select Assessment Guide button.
      3. Select the Performance Assessment Guide link.
      4. Review Rubrics 1.1 – 1.8 criterion and level descriptors within the “Performance Assessment Guide” resource.

    Finally, watch the following videos:


    After watching the Teaching to the TPEs: TPE 2 and TPE 4 videos, critically reflect upon the content.

    In alignment with UDL guidelines, we could choose differing products to showcase our work based upon learning style and preference. We could create a graphic organizer, written paper, PowerPoint presentation, or video reflection in which we:

    1. Discuss each level, 1-5, for TPEs 2 and 4.
      • Summarize the instructional strategies present in each level.
      • Compare the differences between each level.
    2. Reflect upon our own practices.
      • Discuss our typical classroom practices in the areas of TPE 2 and TPE 4. (For example, as a teacher what level proficiency do you usually function at for TPE 2 based upon the videos and rubric criterion within Rubric 1.5 specifically. Why do you feel this level accurately reflects your classroom practice?)
      • Determine goals for our growth related to TPE 2 and 4 with specific action steps to be implemented when planning and delivering instruction.
    3. Summarize how implementation of effective instructional practices and our individual goals will promote safe and equitable learning environments.

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