Month: July 2023

    Course DescriptionsEducational Psychology and DevelopmentInclusive Education and Special NeedsITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversityTeacher Training and Professional Development

    ITL604 Learners and Learning I

    This course examines psychological, sociocultural, linguistic, and other factors influencing development, learning, and the full range of learners, including English Learners, standard-English learners, students with disabilities, and students with other needs, and considers a variety of data to identify appropriate strategies and community-based resources to support all learners and their families. Summary of Outcomes, Themes, Assignments, and Grading Criteria Week 1 Theme: Social, Cultural, and Physical Factors in the Development of Children Course Learning Objectives: Weekly Learning Objectives: Assignments Week 2 Theme: Social, Cultural, and Physical Factors in the Development of Children Course Learning Objectives: Weekly Learning Objectives: Assignments Week...
    CourseworkEducational Planning and StrategyITL600 Becoming a TeacherNational UniversityProfessional Development in EducationTeaching Credentials and Certification

    Roadmap For Success

    Throughout this course, we have identified the critical components of the ITL program, developed an awareness of critical aspects of the teaching profession, and engaged in reflective practice. Utilizing this new or reinforced knowledge, we were to create goals and timelines that map out our trajectory from the first course in our program to being recommended for a preliminary teaching credential. Setting up a solid plan or roadmap keeps us on track and successful. Goals are set, and our path is clear. In this assignment, we were to develop a roadmap for our success through the ITL program. The roadmap...
    CourseworkEducator Professional DevelopmentITL600 Becoming a TeacherNational UniversitySocial and Emotional Learning (SEL)Teaching Strategies and Classroom Management

    Understanding Social-Emotional Learning

    Social-emotional learning (SEL) is the process of developing students’ social-emotional competencies—that is, the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that individuals need to make successful choices (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning [CASEL], 2003). We were presented with an overview of the expansive field of social and emotional learning. Through the lens of Social Emotional Learning, we examined and were presented with many strategies for developing relationships, exercising compassion and empathy, applying critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and engaging in effective communication. And through understanding human diversity, we saw how culture impacts our learning environment. No matter how you label...
    CourseworkEducation and Community InvolvementITL600 Becoming a TeacherNational UniversityParenting and CaregivingSocial and Emotional Learning (SEL)

    Social and Emotional Learning for Parents – CASEL

    This video (SEL for Parents – CASEL) describes exactly what is meant by “social and emotional learning.” After viewing the video, we were to complete our discussion post about the video and the impact of social and emotional learning. To do this, we were to post a video ourselves responding to the questions below. Prompt Questions you must include: (make specific references to the video) Conclude with the connections you made between this video and your own experiences. Explain what your next steps will be to begin to purposefully integrate SEL into your personal and professional lives. What aspects will be...
    CourseworkEducational Standards and AssessmentInstructional Strategies and Classroom ManagementITL600 Becoming a TeacherNational UniversityTeacher Professional Development

    Unpacking the TPEs & Reflecting on Them

    As teacher candidates, we are acquiring knowledge and skills to understand and begin to apply the Teacher Performance Expectations. We utilize the TPE’s because they also align with how districts will assess us and our readiness when we apply for a teaching position. After we receive our first teaching assignment, we will be required to clear our credentials. Guess what, the TPE’s come into play again! Induction programs (for clearing our credentials) will evaluate our strengths and growth areas as new teachers. In this course and future courses, the TPE assignments will get us prepared and thus help us begin...
    CourseworkEducational Methods and StrategiesITL600 Becoming a TeacherNational UniversityStudent Engagement and LearningTeacher Development and Training

    Reflective Practice and Rubric Design

    Madison is a student teacher. Madison will talk to you about TPE 1 Elements and demonstrate teaching at a Level 1, 2, and 3 to demonstrate instructional growth. Watch In this video, Teaching to the TPEs: TPE 1, Madison will talk to you about TPE 1 Elements and demonstrate teaching at a Level 1, 2, and 3 to demonstrate instructional growth. Differentiation Though Madison is a student teacher, her scenario and experiences can be connected to both student and intern teachers. The video provides in-class examples of how to engage and support all students in learning. There are three ways...
    CourseworkCultural Awareness in TeachingITL600 Becoming a TeacherMulticultural EducationNational UniversityTeacher Professional Development

    Cultural Iceberg

    Teacher identity, culture and values play a significant role in the classroom. In this assignment, we were to dive deeper (literally) into our own cultural iceberg. This Cultural Iceberg analogy coined by Gary Weaver (1986) shows us how there are many layers in culture. We, humans, are like icebergs in that a part of our culture is above water, but the majority of it is underwater and “unseen” by others. Sometimes, we refer to the culture that is underwater as the “deep” culture because it may not be something that is seen, heard, or experienced. Before we can become culturally...
    Classroom ChallengesCourseworkITL600 Becoming a TeacherNational UniversityPeer Support in EducationTeaching Strategies

    Advice to Andrea

    For the Week 2 Discussion assignment, we were to record a 3–5 minute response video to the following prompt: “At lunch break, you run into a colleague of yours in the staff room. Andrea and you are both in your first year of teaching and often trade and share ideas and best practices. You also have a trusting relationship where you can come to each other with problems that are occurring in the classroom and ask for support. Andrea mentioned that she just finished grading the results of her weekly quiz. She is feeling a little bit defeated because she has...
    CourseworkEducational Growth StrategiesITL600 Becoming a TeacherNational UniversityReflective Self-AssessmentTeacher Professional Development

    ITL Teacher Dispositions Self-Assessment

    Dispositions are qualities one possesses or acquires to meet the expectations of a profession. The dispositions developed by the Sanford College of Education are the professional standards and dispositions that teachers must possess and adhere to be effective in their classroom and the profession. The Professional Dispositions self-assessment survey will be completed at various points of the program of your studies to ensure you possess an understanding of the foundational topics that govern an educator’s practice, including understanding professional standards of practice, code of ethics, and relevant laws. Disposition self-assessment allows teacher candidates to reflect upon and assess their teaching...
    Academic StandardsCourseworkEducational AssessmentITL600 Becoming a TeacherNational UniversityReflective Practice

    Unpack Rubrics

    The directions for Assignment 1B were to analyze the given Reflective Practice Rubric by unpacking the learning expectations by addressing specific questions. Unpacking the rubrics was to be used to assess our learning by clarifying the criteria and specific skills we are expected to acquire in all courses throughout the program. It will allow us to self-assess during the learning process. The criteria for our success found in the assignment level descriptors (highly developed, developed, emerging, and initial) define in this assignment the expectations of achievement. This activity had us analyze the differences in criteria between levels. We were reminded...
    Academic PoliciesCourseworkITL600 Becoming a TeacherNational UniversityProgram RequirementsTeacher Credentialing

    Scavenger Hunt

    Assignment 1A for this week required us to explore the ITL program requirements, expectations, and test requirements by completing the scavenger hunt template of various program documents. We were to complete the scavenger hunt template to uncover a road map for understanding our program and journey. The main source of information was the National University Catalog. List the title of your program and the course sequence of the ITL program in the NU Catalog. Pages 455-457 Identify the number of courses in your program. Page 507 Find the Class Calendar at a Glance Pages 6-7 Financial Aid Calendar Page 100...
    CourseworkEducational AspirationsITL600 Becoming a TeacherNational UniversityTeacher IntroductionsTeaching Challenges

    Video Introduction

    For the Week 1 Discussion assignment, we were to post a video reflection where we introduce ourselves to classmates (name, the city you live in, an interesting fact about yourself that someone just looking at you would not know about you, the credential you are seeking).  After introducing ourselves, we were to share, at a minimum, three hopes and dreams we have of becoming a teacher and why and a minimum of three fears and nightmares we have of becoming a teacher and why. Assignment Grade: 10/10