EP607: Qualitative Methods in Educational Research

    The 2023 Spring 2 term brings me to the course EP607: Qualitative Methods in Educational Research. I am excited about this course, as I have never conducted any qualitative research and find the concept fascinating. The course specifics are as follows.

    Official Course Description This course provides an overview of qualitative research methods and practice. Emphasis is placed on the five most frequently used methods: narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. Examples in the literature, specific procedures, writing styles, and techniques of collecting and analyzing data, evaluating the trustworthiness of the findings, and presenting findings are covered.

    Institutional Learning Competencies and Outcomes

    Institutional Learning Outcome Addressed

    Applied Research: Design and conduct efficacious and original research to ethically and positively impact and advance the body of knowledge in Educational Psychology (learning and teaching) and Technology.

    • AR1: Analyze research approaches and techniques in order to design and conduct applied research within an educational or organizational setting.
    • AR3: Interpret research findings focused on the psychology of learning that lead to new integrated practice. (Signature Assignment)
      • CLO 1: Describe the main approaches to qualitative research.
        • MLO 1: Distinguish the significant differences between quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.
        • MLO 2: Differentiate the primary similarities and differences among each of the five main approaches to qualitative research.
        • MLO 3: Define key terminology of qualitative research methods.
      • CLO 2: Evaluate qualitative research based on sound criteria for assuring the study’s quality and trustworthiness.
        • MLO 4: Determine the criteria that define high quality qualitative research articles.
        • MLO 5: Critically evaluate qualitative research scenarios to determine participant size, data saturation, triangulation of data, and study validity.
        • MLO 13: Critically evaluate proposed research studies.
      • CLO 3: Design a qualitative research study proposal.
        • MLO 6: Outline a qualitative research study of interest.
        • MLO 7: Formulate an initial written draft of a qualitative research proposal.
        • MLO 8: Formulate potential interview questions for the proposed qualitative research study.
        • MLO 9: Construct a finalized written qualitative research proposal.
        • MLO 10: Illustrate how the selected research topic could be approached through each of the five primary qualitative research methodologies.
        • MLO 11: Determine appropriate data collection and analysis procedures for the proposed study.
        • MLO 12: Present a qualitative research proposal.
        • MLO 14: Integrate personal learning in the development of future plans for the proposed qualitative study.
    • SJ1: Demonstrate awareness and implications of biases, prejudices, and assumptions.
    • SJ2: Analyze how structural inequities are impacted by historical, social, class, and psychological factors.
    • SJ3: Explain how social justice issues are manifested in educational and organizational contexts.
      • CLO 4: Analyze and apply the potential impact of qualitative research to social justice initiatives.
      • MLO 12: Present a qualitative research proposal, with a social justice element.
      • MLO 15: Discuss the potential for qualitative research to impact current movements of social justice.

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