Category: Teaching Methods and Strategies

    Course DescriptionsEducational PsychologyITL606 Learners and Learning IINational UniversityStudent Assessment and EvaluationTeaching Methods and Strategies

    ITL606 Learners and Learning II

    ITL606 Learners and Learning II examines theories and research regarding typical and atypical child and adolescent development and learning. It considers various data collection and assessment techniques guiding the selection of effective instructional strategies, practices, resources, and technologies needed to create environments supporting the full range of learners and providing equitable access to the curriculum. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon the successful completion of this course, candidates will be able to do the following at an introductory level: COURSE SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS: The readings, handouts, and assignments will focus on learning theories, including typical and atypical development and factors of diversity impacting...
    CourseworkInclusive Education and DiversityITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversityStudent Engagement and ParticipationTeaching Methods and Strategies

    Revised Math Lesson Using Funds of Knowledge

    For our Week 1 Discussion, we were to respond via a video reflection of how we, as teachers, can engage learners’ funds of knowledge by acknowledging their prior learning (considering their culture, lived experiences, identity, and interests). Our video reflection was to address a specific common core standard and how we would build upon the students’ interests to seek engagement. We were allowed to use the contextual information below to provide an example or we could share a personal experience. We were to make sure our video reflection was at least 2 minutes with specific examples (instructional strategy and activities)...