Category: Teacher Training and Development

    Classroom ManagementCourseworkEducational TechnologyITL608 Design and Process of TeachingNational UniversityTeacher Training and Development

    simSchool Field Experience (Reflection and Meeting Notes)

    This assignment is Part Two of our Field Experience and serves as a practical foundation to our future teaching career. The process of using SimSchool and completing a reflection (on SIM School) was similar to our other foundation course.  I completed the module Classroom Management Grade 7 (single subject) Rationale for Assignment As a teacher candidate, having a variety of field experience settings is essential. As general education teachers or special education teachers, we will likely have students with special needs or at-risk learners. Equally important, we will more than likely have to teach these learners within a co-teaching setting. Additionally, IDEA states that...
    Classroom Management and Instructional StrategiesCourseworkEducational Standards and AssessmentITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversityTeacher Training and Development

    Unpacking the TPEs & Reflecting on Them

    As teacher candidates, we are acquiring knowledge and skills to understand and begin to apply the Teacher Performance Expectations. We utilize the TPEs because they also align with how districts will assess us and our readiness when we apply for a teaching position. After we receive our first teaching assignment, we will be required to clear our credentials. Guess what? The TPEs come into play again! Induction programs (for clearing our credentials) will evaluate our strengths and growth areas as new teachers. In this course and future courses, the TPE assignments will get us prepared and thus help us begin...