Category: Student Assessment and Evaluation

    CourseworkEquity in EducationGrading PracticesITL528 Single Subject Integrated Design IINational UniversityStudent Assessment and Evaluation

    Grading For Equity

    In Week One, we identified our students’ assets, knowledge, and needs. We also identified the standards we would be teaching and integrating into our week-long plan and established learning objectives to master those standards. In Week Two, we built our lesson map to include interdisciplinary instruction and activities that would align with and support student learning and mastery of those objectives. All the while, we are striving to create an inclusive, supportive, and equitable learning environment for all students. This week, our task is to create multiple forms of assessments (Week Three LO 1) to track and measure student response...
    Course DescriptionsEducational PsychologyITL606 Learners and Learning IINational UniversityStudent Assessment and EvaluationTeaching Methods and Strategies

    ITL606 Learners and Learning II

    ITL606 Learners and Learning II examines theories and research regarding typical and atypical child and adolescent development and learning. It considers various data collection and assessment techniques guiding the selection of effective instructional strategies, practices, resources, and technologies needed to create environments supporting the full range of learners and providing equitable access to the curriculum. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon the successful completion of this course, candidates will be able to do the following at an introductory level: COURSE SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS: The readings, handouts, and assignments will focus on learning theories, including typical and atypical development and factors of diversity impacting...