Category: ITI690 Inspired Teaching Inquiry

    CourseworkGamified LearningITI690 Inspired Teaching InquiryMathematics EducationNational UniversityProject-Based Learning

    Gamified Project-Based Learning: Literature Review First Draft

    For this assignment, we were asked to write a reflective paper entitled First Draft of the Literature Review Section for our final Action Research Proposal that integrates/incorporates what we have learned about our topic and the research process during this class. We were to include any new ideas or insights we might use or expand in the future as we move forward through this program and complete our Action Research Proposal. We started with a title page, running head, and abstract. The abstract will describe what we are doing in this paper and the introduction will generally detail what we have learned...
    CourseworkGamified LearningITI690 Inspired Teaching InquiryMathematics EducationNational UniversityProject-Based Learning

    Annotated Bibliography: Gamified Project-Based Learning (GPBL) – Week 3

    In this assignment, which had three parts, we developed a focused research question and added it to our Annotated Bibliography and Webliography. The instructions for this assignment were to… Assignment Resources Gamified Project Based Learning (GPBL)with Annotated Bibliography Frank Jamison Sanford College of Education, National University ITI690 Inspired Teaching Inquiry Dr. Deborah Algario May 26, 2024 Research Question How does gamified project-based learning (GPBL) integration impact student motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes in middle school mathematics classes? Relevance to My Teaching Situation As a future middle school mathematics teacher, I am deeply invested in finding effective strategies to engage my...
    CourseworkEducational ResearchGamified LearningITI690 Inspired Teaching InquiryNational UniversityProject-Based Learning

    Annotated Bibliography: Gamified Project Based Learning (GPBL) – Week 2

    In this assignment, we created an annotated bibliography and webliography for our Action Research Proposal. An annotated bibliography is a list of citations that include brief, summary explanations of approximately 150-250 words for each source you cite, whether a document, book, or peer-reviewed article that focuses on the scope or central idea of the source, includes a brief critique of the source, and explains how or why it is of use or interest to you in your research. This assignment has two parts. 1. We were to look for information on our topic, and using the Annotated Bibliography that you...
    CourseworkEducational TechnologyGamified LearningITI690 Inspired Teaching InquiryNational UniversityProject-Based Learning

    Annotated Bibliography: Gamified Project Based Learning (GPBL) – Week 1

    The purpose of this assignment is to prepare the structure for curating appropriate references and citations about your research by creating the format for an Annotated Bibliography for next week’s assignment. We were asked to submit the set-up of our Annotated Bibliography in APA format with a title page and at least two references. Depending on our computer system and available technology, we were advised to follow the suggested resource links with instructions on developing an Annotated Bibliography. Those of us using Word 2007/2010 were pointed to p. 14-15 of the Action Practitioner Research Process Handbook for instructions on setting...
    Classroom PracticesCourseworkEducational TheoriesITI690 Inspired Teaching InquiryNational UniversityPK-12 Education

    Educational Theorists

    Yesterday’s educational theorists have left us a valuable legacy in the form of philosophies and ideas that have significantly impacted today’s educational beliefs and practices. The purpose of this assignment is to identify six well-known educational theorists, both recent and contemporary, whose research findings have influenced contemporary educational thought and analyze how their ideas have impacted today’s PK-12 classrooms. We were to refer to our course textbooks and identify additional print and digital resources to complete the information on the chart in the assignment instructions document and write several (4-6) sentences or bullet points about each theorist’s main ideas and...
    Action Research in EducationCourse DescriptionsEducational TechnologyInspired Teaching PracticesITI690 Inspired Teaching InquiryNational University

    ITI690 Inspired Teaching Inquiry

    Course Description Covers current theories and applications of evidence-based Inspired Teaching Practices in PK-12 education and includes developing a repertoire of technology-enhanced curricular tools. Candidates explore the process and application of action research resulting in the development of framing an instructional practices-based research topic and question through writing a literature review. Course Learning Outcomes