Category: Instructional Design

    Algebra I ConceptsAssessment StrategiesCourseworkInstructional DesignITL526 Single Subject Integrated Design INational University

    Tracking Student Learning​

    From our Week One Assignment, we focused on assessing a specific educational standard for students in grades 7, 8, or high school. Our goal was to create various assessments to gauge student mastery of this standard. Here’s a breakdown of what we needed to do: Create Assessments: Develop three types of assessments to measure student achievement of this learning outcome (mastery of the chosen standard): Include a Digital Tool: We needed to ensure that at least one of our assessments used a digital tool. This is important because it aligns with the expectations in the CalTPA (California Teacher Performance Assessment). Focus on...
    Course DescriptionsCurriculum DevelopmentEducationInstructional DesignITL522 Content Area Literacy

    ITL522 Content Area Literacy

    Single Subject credential candidates will plan and implement content area instruction by incorporating the Learning Map model with integrated UDL principles and demonstrate the abilities to apply language/literacy scaffolds to content area knowledge for diverse learners of varying stages of literacy and language proficiency in alignment with CA-CCSS and ELA/ELA framework. Course Learning Outcomes Course Requirements This is a content-based course that leads to a variety of practical applications. Students are expected to complete all assigned readings and review all the information contained in the padlets in the Content Presentation section before entering the Discussion Boards and completing the assignments. ...
    CourseworkEducational TechnologyInstructional DesignITL608 Design and Process of TeachingMathematics EducationNational University

    Learning Map Stage One (Part One)

    The objective of this first assignment was to complete the provided planner to complete the first portion of Stage One of the Learning Map. In Blackboard, we were provided with a few examples of completed planners that we might find useful. The lesson I am using for this assignment is titled: Virtual Roller Coaster Design. Before starting, we were to review the three Learning Map documents in Blackboard that define the Stages and Elements of the Learning Map and provide a visual of the entire Learning Map. Identify your Lesson Standard(s) CA Content Standard(s) List the Standard(s) ELD Standard List...