Category: Inclusive Teaching Practices

    Educational EquityInclusive Teaching PracticesProfessional Development in Education

    Equitable Learning Environments

    For this assignment, we reflected upon the facilitation of equitable learning environments and SEL strategies apparent in the classroom and built deeper background knowledge of the topic. You examined the Cal TPA rubrics (criterion and levels), and we reflected upon our practice as a teacher (student teacher, independent teacher, or other facilitation of learning environments) and how we plan to grow with respect to maintaining effective environments for student learning and the area of planning instruction and designing learning experiences for all students. Instructions Resources First, watch the following videos: Then, read and examine each TPA Cycle 1 Rubric (1.1 – 1.8)...
    CourseworkEducational Research and TheoryInclusive Teaching PracticesITL528 Single Subject Integrated Design IINational UniversityStudent Engagement Strategies

    Creating A Classroom Environment Conducive to Learning

    A primary focus of ITL526 and now this course has been centered on creating rich learning experiences that are engaging, accessible to all, and tightly aligned with the content and skills of your lessons. Central to this is creating the appropriate scaffolds and supports to meet every student at their developmentally appropriate level, or what Vygotsky described as being within their “Zone of Proximal Development.” Yet, you can have the most engaging, accessible, and authentic lesson plan, but if you have not created a classroom environment conducive to learning, it will all be for naught because students only learn when...
    Assessment StrategiesCourseworkInclusive Teaching PracticesITL520 Academic Language & LiteracyMathematics EducationNational University

    Innovative Assessment Practices in High School Algebra

    “If an assessment asks students to evaluate and create but our instruction asks only that they remember and comprehend, then we’ve taken a wrong direction” states Mike Fisher. Assessments should be frequent, varied and build upon the concepts (content) and skills (literacy) taught in the class. Some say, each assessment holds a privilege. Meaning, a multiple-choice assessments privileges one group of students in the class, while a video project privileges another group of students in the class. How can you assess your students equitably? How can you ensure no student or student groups have an “assessment privilege” over the others?...
    Course DescriptionsEducational PsychologyInclusive Teaching PracticesInstructional PlanningITL608 Design and Process of TeachingNational University

    ITL608 Design and Process of Teaching

    This is the 4th course in the Inspired Teaching and Learning program at National University. Candidates integrate principles of learning theories and factors influencing human development when designing instruction and evaluating instructional effectiveness. Candidates will utilize a four-stage cyclical model of planning, teaching, analyzing, and reflecting in the process of learning and teaching to ensure all students have equitable access to the curriculum. Course Learning Outcomes