Category: Educational Technology

    CourseworkEducational TechnologyGamified LearningITI690 Inspired Teaching InquiryNational UniversityProject-Based Learning

    Annotated Bibliography: Gamified Project Based Learning (GPBL) – Week 1

    The purpose of this assignment is to prepare the structure for curating appropriate references and citations about your research by creating the format for an Annotated Bibliography for next week’s assignment. We were asked to submit the set-up of our Annotated Bibliography in APA format with a title page and at least two references. Depending on our computer system and available technology, we were advised to follow the suggested resource links with instructions on developing an Annotated Bibliography. Those of us using Word 2007/2010 were pointed to p. 14-15 of the Action Practitioner Research Process Handbook for instructions on setting...
    Action Research in EducationCourse DescriptionsEducational TechnologyInspired Teaching PracticesITI690 Inspired Teaching InquiryNational University

    ITI690 Inspired Teaching Inquiry

    Course Description Covers current theories and applications of evidence-based Inspired Teaching Practices in PK-12 education and includes developing a repertoire of technology-enhanced curricular tools. Candidates explore the process and application of action research resulting in the development of framing an instructional practices-based research topic and question through writing a literature review. Course Learning Outcomes
    Algebra InstructionCourseworkEducational TechnologyInclusive EducationITL526 Single Subject Integrated Design INational University

    Reflecting on What it Means to Support All Learners

    What does supporting all learners look like in your lesson? When we, as teachers, begin the lesson planning process, we sometimes do this in partnership with our course-alike partners and, in some cases, in collaboration with Special Ed teachers we might co-teach with or interdisciplinary teachers we share students with. Whether it is collaborative in nature or done independently, the focus is the same: implementing the appropriate supports so all learners can achieve at high levels. Beyond the initial planning component comes the implementation and monitoring components of the lesson itself, adjusting as necessary and inserting supports as needed. In...
    Classroom ObservationCourseworkEducational TechnologyITL526 Single Subject Integrated Design IMathematics InstructionNational University

    Fieldwork Observation

    Observation of an educator is a powerful way to learn, reflect, and see theoretical concepts come to life. You can also notice how, when something is missing, that impacts student learning and the classroom learning environment. On a given day, a veteran teacher may identify students’ prior knowledge through informal or formal pre-assessments, teach concepts, demonstrate skills, provide timely-actionable feedback, and provide one-on-one support for students needing targeted attention based on their pre-identified or real-time identified needs. Instructions CA Content Standard(s) What is the subject of the class you are observing? What standard(s) are they teaching (if you can identify)?...
    CourseworkEducational TechnologyInclusive EducationITL526 Single Subject Integrated Design INational UniversitySocial and Emotional Learning (SEL)

    Curating and Sharing Resources

    As you read TPE 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6, consider the common theme of needing to match the right resource, tool, or strategy to the needs of our diverse learners. TPE 3.4: Individually and through consultation and collaboration with other educators and members of the larger school community, plan for effective subject matter instruction and use multiple means of representing, expressing, and engaging students to demonstrate their knowledge. TPE 3.5: Adapt subject matter curriculum, organization, and planning to support the acquisition and use of academic language within learning activities to promote the subject matter knowledge of all students, including the full...
    Educational TechnologySTEM Education StrategiesTeacher Professional Development

    Catalyzing Classroom Innovation: Strategies and Resources for Enhanced STEM Teaching

    In the ever-evolving landscape of education, preparing our students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century has become an imperative task. At the forefront of this educational revolution is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, which equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world. For teachers dedicated to fostering a passion for STEM subjects in their students, the task can be both rewarding and demanding. This article, courtesy of, serves as a guiding light, offering invaluable tips, tools, and innovative teaching ideas that will empower educators to craft engaging...
    Classroom ManagementCourseworkEducational TechnologyITL608 Design and Process of TeachingNational UniversityTeacher Training and Development

    simSchool Field Experience (Reflection and Meeting Notes)

    This assignment is Part Two of our Field Experience and serves as a practical foundation to our future teaching career. The process of using SimSchool and completing a reflection (on SIM School) was similar to our other foundation course.  I completed the module Classroom Management Grade 7 (single subject) Rationale for Assignment As a teacher candidate, having a variety of field experience settings is essential. As general education teachers or special education teachers, we will likely have students with special needs or at-risk learners. Equally important, we will more than likely have to teach these learners within a co-teaching setting. Additionally, IDEA states that...
    CourseworkEducational TechnologyITL608 Design and Process of TeachingMathematics EducationNational UniversityStudent-Centered Learning

    Educational Tools

    Before writing our discussion posts, we were asked to take a moment to review the PPT file linked below (which I did not do, and thus my two entries). There are several assistive resources highlighted in the PPT that can be used in and outside the classroom. We were to take some time to get acquainted with each of the tools. If needed, we were to create a login and spend some time navigating each resource. Finally, we were to consider the following questions for each tool: These are important questions to consider. While we didn’t need to provide answers...
    CourseworkEducational TechnologyInstructional DesignITL608 Design and Process of TeachingMathematics EducationNational University

    Learning Map Stage One (Part One)

    The objective of this first assignment was to complete the provided planner to complete the first portion of Stage One of the Learning Map. In Blackboard, we were provided with a few examples of completed planners that we might find useful. The lesson I am using for this assignment is titled: Virtual Roller Coaster Design. Before starting, we were to review the three Learning Map documents in Blackboard that define the Stages and Elements of the Learning Map and provide a visual of the entire Learning Map. Identify your Lesson Standard(s) CA Content Standard(s) List the Standard(s) ELD Standard List...
    CourseworkEducational TechnologyITL608 Design and Process of TeachingLanguage LearningNational UniversitySpecial Education

    At-Risk Learner Supports

    For our first week’s discussion in ITL608, we were to review and analyze the content in the following links and respond with at least 2-3 supports that can be used to help at-risk learners, including EL students, or have a 504 or IEP.  What support could we use to help EL learners? What support can be implemented for students with a 504 or IEP? We were asked to review the following resources as they will help us develop educational supports: . Assignment Grade: 5/5
    Collaborative ProjectsContest SubmissionsEducational TechnologyLesson PlansMath and Engineering

    Virtual Roller Coaster Design Lesson Plan

    This a lesson plan I created to use in several upcoming assignments that may require it. And which I submitted to the JTILT Technology-Rich Lesson Plan Competition Lesson Title: Virtual Roller Coaster Design Overview: This 10th-grade math lesson plan focuses on the use of technology to design and simulate a roller coaster. Students will use the Roller Coaster Creator software to design a roller coaster that meets certain criteria, such as a certain height, length, and number of loops. They will then use the software to simulate their roller coaster and identify any areas that need to be redesigned. Learning...