Category: Educational Psychology

    CourseworkEducational PsychologyEmotional IntelligenceITL530 Optimized Learning CommunityLearning and DevelopmentNational University

    Self-Regulation and Self-Control

    For this week’s discussion, we were to explore how inclusive, positive, and safe learning environments are established, watch and read the resources regarding self-regulation and self-control. Then, in our initial post: Resources Watch Read Response Self-regulation is a complex process that involves managing one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to achieve personal goals. It can be divided into four main types: The difference between self-regulation and self-control: In effect, self-control can be seen as a component of self-regulation, specifically related to resisting immediate desires, while self-regulation is a broader construct that involves managing various aspects of the self to achieve overarching...
    CourseworkEducational PsychologyITL520 Academic Language & LiteracyLiteracy and Reading StrategiesNational UniversityTeaching Mathematics


    Metacognition is an engaging way to support student thinking. When students can think about the way that they think, they will be equipped with skills that allow them to monitor their own comprehension. Read Watch For this week’s discussion, we were to view and read the resources above and respond to the following prompts: Metacognition What does metacognition look like as it relates to literacy in a secondary classroom? Metacognition can be practiced in the classroom in various ways. For instance, during reading, students can make notes, write down their questions and reactions, or use graphic organizers to keep track...
    Course DescriptionsEducational PsychologyInclusive Teaching PracticesInstructional PlanningITL608 Design and Process of TeachingNational University

    ITL608 Design and Process of Teaching

    This is the 4th course in the Inspired Teaching and Learning program at National University. Candidates integrate principles of learning theories and factors influencing human development when designing instruction and evaluating instructional effectiveness. Candidates will utilize a four-stage cyclical model of planning, teaching, analyzing, and reflecting in the process of learning and teaching to ensure all students have equitable access to the curriculum. Course Learning Outcomes
    Course DescriptionsEducational PsychologyITL606 Learners and Learning IINational UniversityStudent Assessment and EvaluationTeaching Methods and Strategies

    ITL606 Learners and Learning II

    ITL606 Learners and Learning II examines theories and research regarding typical and atypical child and adolescent development and learning. It considers various data collection and assessment techniques guiding the selection of effective instructional strategies, practices, resources, and technologies needed to create environments supporting the full range of learners and providing equitable access to the curriculum. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon the successful completion of this course, candidates will be able to do the following at an introductory level: COURSE SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS: The readings, handouts, and assignments will focus on learning theories, including typical and atypical development and factors of diversity impacting...