Category: Educational Methods

    CourseworkEducational MethodsITL520 Academic Language & LiteracyLiteracy in Content AreasMathematics EducationNational UniversityPassionate Teaching Journey Blog

    Formative Assessment and Content Literacy in Mathematics: Engaging with Multi-Step Equations

    Formative assessments are a great way to check in with students to see how they are doing with new content they are learning. Formative assessments can be informal too! You can have a quick discussion with the class, you can listen to a group talking about a piece of text, you can give out a 3 question exit ticket, and much more! Formative assessments informs our teaching and lets us know if we need to re-teach, try something different, give a break, move onto the next piece of content, or something else! We can give formative assessments throughout a class...
    Classroom StrategiesCourseworkEducational MethodsInclusive EducationITL520 Academic Language & LiteracyNational University

    The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Framework in Practice

    Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that supports each student in the classroom. It supports each student in the classroom by acknowledging that each student has different needs, comes from different educational backgrounds, has different interests, has different language talents, and has different cultures and identities that represent them. Given the unique makeup of each classroom, UDL offers teachers a way to support each student. In a content-literacy classroom, UDL is incredibly important. UDL, in practice, can look like drawing vocabulary words with math symbols to support comprehension, showing students how to decode a difficult piece of science...
    Classroom AssessmentsCourseworkEducational MethodsITL606 Learners and Learning IIMath Teaching StrategiesNational University

    Formative and Summative Assessments

    For this week’s discussion we were to view four videos on formative and summative assessments and develop a 2-5 minute video or half-page written reflection of what we learned from the videos. We were to make sure to state at least two unique formative assessments and two unique summative assessments we would apply in our classrooms or future classrooms, and answer the following questions: Video 1: How Differentiated Instruction and Formative Assessment Work at Forest Lake Elementary Video 2: Summative Assessment: Overview & Examples – Teachings in Education Video 3: Formative and Summative Assessments – Edmentum Video 4: What Are...