Building Positive Relationships and Community/School Support

    For this assignment, we were to connect with our local community by researching community and educational / support resources (agencies / service providers) to expand our knowledge of how to support all students in the learning process. We were also to reflect on the relationship building skills needed to work with support resources to promote student success.

    We were to create a presentation showcasing at least two local agencies (community or internal educational / school support). The presentation should include the agencies’ names, locations, criteria for students to receive support, and cost to families. We were also to explain five specific relationship building skills teachers need to establish school-family partnerships to support all students in learning.



    We were to review the following resources before we began our assignment as they would inform our work.



    After reviewing the assigned resources, we were tasked to conduct independent research for credible sources to support our presentation on teacher/school partnerships with the communities they serve, local support agencies, and families. The following are sources from which we might find evidence-based resources, however we were encouraged to expand our search to the NU Library and the internet:

    We were assigned to create a PowerPoint presentation utilizing the following parameters:

    • Title Slide
    • One slide discussing how partnering with the community, educational / supportive agencies, and families support all students in learning (e.g., teacher/school-The Federation partnership, teacher/school-YMCA partnership)
    • One slide showcasing each local agency (Requirement: two agencies, two slides total) including but not limited to the following:
      • Organization name
      • Location
      • Criteria for students to receive support
      • Cost to families
    • One slide explaining five specific strategies teachers use to establish school-family partnerships to support all students in learning
    • One slide reflecting on your individual strengths and areas for growth with respect to school-family partnership building skills
    • Reference Slide (per APA 7th Edition guidelines)

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