Signature Assignment (Learning Map Stages One and Two)

    We finished and submitted a Learning Map addressing Stages One and Two in this assignment.  We used content from Assignments 1A, 1B, and 2A to complete this assignment. While we could integrate our previous work into this assignment, we were made aware that we would also be completing part two of Stage Two for the first time in this assignment.

    Stage One – Planning Your Instruction

    Identify your Lesson Standard(s)

    CA Content Standard(s)

    List the Standard(s)

    • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.MG.A.1: Use geometric shapes, their measures, and their properties to describe objects (e.g., modeling a tree trunk or a human torso as a cylinder).
    • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.GMD.A.3: Use volume formulas for cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres to solve problems.
    • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.MG.A.3: Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid systems based on ratios).
    • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.A.1: Know precise definitions of angle, circle, perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment, based on the undefined notions of point, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc.
    • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.C.10: Prove theorems about triangles. Theorems include: measures of interior angles of a triangle sum to 180°; base angles of isosceles triangles are congruent; the segment joining midpoints of two sides of a triangle is parallel to the third side and half the length; the medians of a triangle meet at a point.
    • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.SRT.C.8: Use trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve right triangles in applied problems.
    • CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.SRT.D.11: Understand and apply the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines to find unknown measurements in right and non-right triangles (e.g., surveying problems, resultant forces).
    ELD Standard

    List English Learning Development Standard(s)

    • ELD.PI.10.9-10.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
    • ELD.PI.10.9-10.2: Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source.
    • ELD.PI.10.9-10.3: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric, assessing the stance, premises, links among ideas, word choice, points of emphasis, and tone used.
    • ELD.PI.10.9-10.4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically, such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
    • ELD.PI.10.9-10.6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

    Unpacking the Standard

    Before beginning this section, please navigate to this video that describes how to unpack Common Core Standards.

    Prior Knowledge

    What do students have to know coming into your lesson? Think in terms of instructional academic language and vocabulary.

    1. Mathematics Vocabulary:
      • Basic geometric terms, such as angle, circle, radius, diameter, and circumference.
      • Knowledge of fundamental trigonometric concepts, including sine, cosine, tangent, and the Pythagorean Theorem.
      • Understanding of measurement units, such as meters, feet, and degrees.
    2. Technology and Software Terms:
      • Familiarity with computer terminology, including terms like software, simulation, design, and modeling.
      • Basic computer skills, including the ability to navigate software interfaces and use input devices such as a mouse and keyboard.
    3. Academic Language Skills:
      • Proficiency in academic language, including the ability to articulate ideas clearly and logically.
      • Vocabulary related to problem-solving, critical thinking, and analysis, such as “criteria,” “constraints,” “simulation,” “evaluate,” “optimize,” and “justify.”
    4. Collaborative and Presentation Skills:
      • Knowledge of group work dynamics, including teamwork, communication, and active listening.
      • Presentation skills, such as structuring a presentation, using visuals effectively, and speaking clearly.
    5. Basic Safety Concepts:
      • Awareness of safety precautions and the importance of adhering to safety guidelines when working with technology and simulations.

    Big Question(s)

    Your Learning Target Question(s)

    1. Mathematics and Geometry
      • How can we apply geometric concepts like angles, circles, and triangles to design a roller coaster?
      • What mathematical equations or formulas are necessary to calculate elements like the slope, radius, or height of different parts of the roller coaster?
    2. Technology and Simulation
      • How does computer software help us model and simulate the behavior of a roller coaster?
      • What data or feedback can we gather from our simulations to improve the design?
    3. Collaboration and Communication
      • How does working in a team benefit the roller coaster design process?
      • How can we effectively communicate our ideas and findings to our team members and the class?
    4. Safety and Ethics
      • What safety precautions should be considered when designing a roller coaster, both in the physical and virtual realms?
      • How can we ensure that our roller coaster designs prioritize rider safety and enjoyment?
    5. Real-World Application
      • What are the real-world applications of the math, science, and engineering principles we are using in this lesson?
      • Can you think of specific careers or industries where roller coaster design and simulation are relevant?
    6. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
      • What challenges did you encounter during the design and simulation process, and how did you overcome them?
      • How can we optimize our roller coaster design to achieve the desired criteria while maximizing rider excitement?
    7. Presentation and Reflection
      • What were the most significant takeaways from your roller coaster design experience?
      • How well did your team’s presentation convey your design process, challenges, and solutions to the class?


    The content we want students to learn, evaluate, and apply.

    1. Mathematical Concepts
      • Geometry: Students should learn and apply geometric concepts such as angles, circles, triangles, and measurement units (e.g., meters, feet) to design roller coaster elements.
      • Trigonometry: Students should understand and use trigonometric principles, including sine, cosine, tangent, and the Pythagorean Theorem, to calculate aspects of roller coaster design.
      • Mathematical modeling: Students should evaluate mathematical models to simulate roller coaster behavior and analyze the results for accuracy and relevance to real-world scenarios.
    2. Technology and Software Skills
      • Computer literacy: Students should learn to use computer software (Roller Coaster Creator) to design and simulate roller coasters.
      • Simulation and data analysis: Students should evaluate the simulation results to identify areas for improvement in their roller coaster designs and apply changes accordingly.
      • Troubleshooting: Students should apply problem-solving skills to address any issues or challenges that arise during the use of the software.
    3. Collaboration and Communication
      • Teamwork: Students should learn to work collaboratively in pairs or small groups, evaluate their team dynamics, and apply effective communication and division of tasks.
      • Presentation skills: Students should learn to present their roller coaster design process, challenges, and solutions to the class, and they should evaluate the clarity and persuasiveness of their presentations.
    4. Real-World Application
      • Relevance: Students should understand the real-world applications of the mathematical, scientific, and engineering principles they are learning, and they should evaluate how these principles are used in the field of roller coaster design.
      • Career awareness: Students should learn about potential careers related to amusement park engineering, physics, and computer simulation.
    5. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
      • Challenges: Students should learn to identify and evaluate challenges that arise during the roller coaster design process and apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to overcome them.
      • Optimization: Students should apply mathematical and engineering concepts to optimize their roller coaster designs to meet specific criteria while providing an exciting ride experience.


    What skills do you want students to master?

    1. Mathematical Skills:
      • Geometry: Master the use of geometric concepts to design roller coaster elements, including angles, circles, triangles, and measurements.
      • Trigonometry: Apply trigonometric principles to calculate critical aspects of roller coaster design, such as slopes and angles of incline.
      • Mathematical Modeling: Develop the ability to create and assess mathematical models to simulate roller coaster behavior.
    2. Technological Skills:
      • Computer Literacy: Master the use of computer software (Roller Coaster Creator) to design, simulate, and analyze roller coasters.
      • Simulation and Data Analysis: Develop proficiency in running simulations, collecting data, and analyzing results for design improvement.
      • Troubleshooting: Master troubleshooting skills to address software-related issues during the design and simulation process.
    3. Collaboration and Communication Skills:
      • Teamwork: Master effective teamwork skills when working in pairs or small groups, including collaboration, task division, and conflict resolution.
      • Presentation Skills: Develop the ability to present roller coaster design processes, challenges, and solutions coherently and persuasively to the class.
    4. Real-World Application Skills:
      • Relevance: Understand and appreciate the real-world applications of mathematical, scientific, and engineering principles in the context of roller coaster design.
      • Career Awareness: Gain awareness of potential careers related to amusement park engineering, physics, and computer simulation.
    5. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills:
      • Problem Identification: Develop the ability to identify and assess challenges that arise during roller coaster design.
      • Critical Thinking: Apply critical thinking skills to devise solutions and make design choices that optimize roller coaster performance and rider experience.
    6. Creativity:
      • Encourage creative thinking when designing roller coasters, allowing students to explore unique and imaginative designs within the given criteria.
    7. Safety Consciousness:
      • Foster a strong sense of safety consciousness, emphasizing the importance of safety in roller coaster design and operation.


    List both teacher actions (TA) and student actions (SA) for each skill

    1. Mathematical Skills
      • Geometry
        • TA: Provide clear explanations and examples of geometric concepts.
        • SA: Engage actively in geometry discussions and practice problems.
      • Trigonometry
        • TA: Offer trigonometry tutorials and practice exercises.
        • SA: Solve trigonometric problems related to roller coaster design.
      • Mathematical Modeling
        • TA: Explain the importance of mathematical models and guide students in creating them.
        • SA: Develop mathematical models to simulate roller coaster behavior.
    2. Technological Skills
      • Computer Literacy
        • TA: Provide instructions on using Roller Coaster Creator software.
        • SA: Navigate the software interface proficiently.
      • Simulation and Data Analysis
        • TA: Explain how to run simulations and analyze results.
        • SA: Conduct simulations and assess data for design improvements.
      • Troubleshooting
        • TA: Offer guidance on addressing common software-related issues.
        • SA: Troubleshoot and resolve software challenges independently.
    3. Collaboration and Communication Skills
      • Teamwork
        • TA: Foster a collaborative classroom environment.
        • SA: Work effectively in pairs or groups, communicate ideas, and contribute to the team.
      • Presentation Skills
        • TA: Teach presentation techniques and provide opportunities for practice.
        • SA: Deliver clear and persuasive presentations about roller coaster designs.
    4. Real-World Application Skills
      • Relevance
        • TA: Explain real-world applications of math, science, and engineering.
        • SA: Recognize and discuss how roller coaster design concepts apply beyond the classroom.
      • Career Awareness
        • TA: Share information about careers in amusement park engineering and related fields.
        • SA: Explore and express interest in potential career paths.
    5. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
      • Problem Identification
        • TA: Encourage students to identify challenges during the design process.
        • SA: Recognize and articulate design-related problems.
      • Critical Thinking
        • TA: Teach critical thinking strategies and approaches.
        • SA: Apply critical thinking to devise solutions and optimize roller coaster designs.
    6. Creativity
      • Encourage Exploration:
        • TA: Create a classroom culture that values creativity.
        • SA: Experiment with imaginative roller coaster designs while adhering to criteria.
    7. Safety Consciousness
      • Emphasize Safety
        • TA: Stress the importance of safety in roller coaster design.
        • SA: Prioritize safety at all stages of the design process.

    Goals: Learning Objectives

    Describe the who, what, where, when, and why. This video can be a helpful resource.

    Learning Objective Components: Performance, Condition, Criterion

    • Describe what students will know and be able to do the end of the lesson by using a given strategy.
    • Decide on your instructional strategy.
    • Complete the following steps below to put together your learning objective.

    Identify the instructional strategy:

    • In the Virtual Roller Coaster Design lesson, Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Technology Integration are combined with Collaborative Learning and Presentation Skills elements. Students engage in real-world roller coaster design projects through PBL, honing their math, science, engineering, and technology skills as they solve authentic design challenges. Technology, notably Roller Coaster Creator software, immerses students in a virtual environment. They apply mathematical and scientific concepts to create, simulate, and optimize roller coasters in this environment. Collaborative learning encourages teamwork, peer interaction, and idea sharing, enhancing students’ ability to work collectively towards common goals. Lastly, the lesson fosters effective communication and presentation skills as students explain their design process and findings. Through this multifaceted instructional strategy, students learn not just roller coaster design skills but also critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and teamwork – all essentials for academic and real-world success.
    Performance (Verb)

    List the verbs using Blooms or DOK:

    • Remembering
      • Recall
      • List
      • Identify
      • Define
      • Recognize
      • Memorize
    • Understanding
      • Explain
      • Summarize
      • Paraphrase
      • Interpret
      • Clarify
      • Describe
    • Applying
      • Apply
      • Solve
      • Use
      • Demonstrate
      • Implement
      • Compute
    • Analyzing
      • Analyze
      • Compare
      • Contrast
      • Differentiate
      • Examine
      • Investigate
    • Evaluating
      • Evaluate
      • Assess
      • Critique
      • Justify
      • Defend
      • Appraise
    • Creating
      • Create
      • Design
      • Invent
      • Develop
      • Construct
      • Generate

    Describe the circumstances under which the performance takes place:


    1. Tools/Resources/Supports (what students will or will not use)
    2. Environment (where the performance takes place)
    1. Tools/Resources/Supports:
      • Tools: Students will use computers equipped with the Roller Coaster Creator software as the primary tool for designing and simulating roller coasters. They will also have access to common office software for presentations.
      • Resources: Students will have access to handouts with lesson instructions and assessment criteria, which provide guidelines for the design project. Additionally, they may have access to textbooks or online resources for reference.
      • Supports: While working on their roller coaster designs, students can seek support from the teacher for clarifications, technical issues with the software, or guidance on math and physics concepts. They can also collaborate with their peers for brainstorming and problem-solving.
    2. Environment:
      • Classroom: The performance predominantly takes place within a classroom equipped with computers and projectors. These computers will have the necessary software installed for roller coaster design and simulation.
      • Collaborative Spaces: In this classroom, students may have access to collaborative workspaces, allowing them to collaborate with their peers while working on their roller coaster designs.
      • Presentation Area: The classroom should have a designated presentation area, such as the front of the class, where students can deliver their presentations to the entire class.
      • Safety Precautions: Given the emphasis on safety, the classroom environment should prioritize safe and responsible computer use. Teachers should ensure that students are aware of safety guidelines for both virtual and physical roller coaster design.

    Speed or Accuracy. How will you measure student learning?

    Describe what the criterion is:

    • For the Virtual Roller Coaster Design lesson, students are measured primarily on accuracy, not speed. While efficiency and time management are essential, this lesson emphasizes the roller coaster’s design, simulation quality, precision, and correctness.
    Measurement of Student Learning

    To measure student learning, the primary criteria for evaluation include:

    1. Accuracy of Design
      • Students’ roller coaster designs will be assessed based on their adherence to specific criteria, such as height, length, and the number of loops. Evaluation will depend on the accuracy of these specs.
    2. Quality of Simulation
      • Students will be evaluated on their simulations for how well they represent roller coaster behavior. This includes ensuring that the physics and engineering principles applied in the design are accurately reflected in the simulation.
    3. Completeness of Design
      • Students’ roller coaster designs will be assessed for completeness. This involves evaluating whether all necessary components, safety considerations, and design elements have been adequately addressed.
    4. Safety
      • An important criterion will be the safety of the roller coaster design. Students must demonstrate a commitment to safety by avoiding design elements that could pose risks to virtual riders.
    5. Presentation Quality
      • The quality of students’ presentations will be evaluated when they present their roller coaster designs and processes. This includes clarity of communication, effective use of visuals, and the ability to justify design choices.
    6. Problem-Solving and Optimization
      • Students will also be evaluated on their ability to identify and address design challenges through critical thinking and problem-solving. Consideration will be given to how they optimize their roller coaster designs for both safety and rider excitement.
    7. Creativity
      • While accuracy is essential, creativity in design will also be encouraged and evaluated. Students will be encouraged to think outside the box while adhering to the specified criteria.
    Write a Learning Objective
    • Students will, in a computer-equipped classroom environment, be able to design and simulate a roller coaster accurately by using the strategy of Project-Based Learning (PBL) and Technology Integration, with the support of Roller Coaster Creator software and reference materials, with accuracy to the conformity of their roller coaster designs and simulations to specified criteria, including height, length, safety, and adherence to mathematical and scientific principles as measured by teacher assessment of their design and simulation results.
    Student Learning Target

    I can statement:

    • I can use mathematical concepts, engineering principles, and technology to accurately design and simulate a roller coaster that meets specified criteria, ensuring rider safety and excitement.
    Social and Emotional Learning Strategies
    • Collaborative Learning: Through teamwork, students learn to collaborate effectively with their peers. They must communicate, share ideas, and resolve conflicts, which cultivates social skills like active listening, empathy, and cooperation.
    • Problem-Solving and Resilience: Roller coaster design often involves facing challenges and setbacks. Students are encouraged to apply problem-solving skills, demonstrate resilience in the face of design issues, and learn from failures.
    • Self-Reflection: Students are prompted to reflect on their performance after simulations or presentations. This self-assessment promotes self-awareness and self-regulation as they consider areas for improvement and personal growth.
    • Positive Feedback and Encouragement: Teachers provide constructive feedback that focuses on effort and growth rather than solely on outcomes. Encouragement and recognition for hard work and creative thinking boost students’ self-esteem.
    • Emotional Regulation: Roller coaster design can be emotionally engaging. Students may experience excitement, frustration, or uncertainty. SEL strategies help students identify and manage their emotions constructively.
    • Empathy and Perspective-Taking: During presentations and discussions, students practice empathy by understanding and appreciating their peers’ roller coaster designs and challenges. They gain perspective-taking skills by seeing issues from others’ viewpoints.
    • Team Building: Activities that promote trust and cooperation within teams help create a positive and supportive learning environment. SEL supports students in recognizing and valuing the strengths of their team members.
    • Communication Skills: Effective communication is critical in this lesson, both in written design plans and verbal presentations. Students develop strong communication skills, which are essential for conveying ideas clearly and persuasively.
    • Goal Setting and Motivation: Students set design goals and are motivated to achieve them. SEL helps them maintain focus, persistence, and a growth mindset, emphasizing effort and improvement over perfection.
    Student Misconceptions
    • Equating height with safety. Students may assume that a taller roller coaster is always safer because it provides more time for the coaster to slow down or stop in case of an emergency.
    • Believing that loops are purely for excitement. Some students might think loops are added to roller coasters solely for thrill and entertainment, overlooking the physics behind them.
    • Overlooking real-world constraints. Students may design roller coasters with extravagant features, ignoring practical constraints like budget, space, and materials.
    • Misapplying mathematical concepts. Some students might use mathematical formulas incorrectly or without fully understanding their application in roller coaster design.
    • Neglecting safety precautions. Students may focus solely on the excitement factor of roller coasters and overlook safety features, leading to potentially dangerous design choices.
    • Assuming that roller coaster simulations are perfect representations of reality. Students may believe that the simulations produced by the software are always entirely accurate, overlooking potential limitations or inaccuracies in the modeling.
    • Thinking that more loops or extreme features automatically make a roller coaster better. Some students may focus solely on adding loops and extreme elements without considering the overall rider experience.
    • Believing that roller coaster design is purely creative with no scientific basis. Students may underestimate the importance of math, physics, and engineering principles in roller coaster design.

    Stage Two – Instructional Approach: Teaching

    Write a Description of Students’ Assets and Learning Needs (Whole Class)

    Prior academic knowledge related to the specific content you plan to teach

    Describe what skills students already have coming into this lesson – what are they already able to do?

    • Focus Student #3 (ER):
      • Bilingualism: ER can engage in discussion in English, which can assist in group discussions and understanding instructions.
      • Math Acumen: ER has a B in Math, indicating a reasonably good grasp of mathematical concepts that can be applied in roller coaster design.
      • Cultural Perspective: ER’s deep connection to his Mexican heritage and community might bring unique ideas or designs inspired by his background.
      • Personal Motivation: His fascination with cars and racing might transfer to a keen interest in roller coaster dynamics.
    • Focus Student #5 (JB):
      • Self-advocacy: JB’s tendency to ask for breaks and other needs suggests he might also ask for clarification or assistance when faced with challenges during the lesson.
      • Technology Interest: JB’s interest in computers and technology directly relates to the software-based design activity.
      • Specialized Support: Given JB’s IEP supports and services, he can utilize accommodations such as preferential seating, visual supports, and breaks, which might facilitate a smoother learning experience.
      • Independent Learning: JB’s independence suggests he might excel at individual tasks or take initiative in group settings.
    • Focus Student #6 (AS):
      • Note-taking: AS excels at notetaking, which could be beneficial in keeping track of instructions, steps, or calculations.
      • Self-advocacy: Like JB, AS is good at asking for help when she needs it.
      • Bilingualism: AS can speak both Spanish and English, which could aid in communication or understanding, especially if any concepts are better understood in her native tongue.
      • Reading Strength: Her strength in reading might help her comprehend textual instructions or guidelines related to the software or roller coaster design principles.
      • Math and Vocabulary Acquisition: The lesson requires the application of mathematical concepts, and AS has identified strengths in certain math areas.

    English language proficiency levels (Standard English learners and English learners)

    List students and their CELDT or ELPAC levels:

    • Focus Student #3 (ER): Potential CELDT/ELPAC Level: Early Intermediate. ER can engage in discussions in English but struggles significantly with reading and writing. This suggests that he might be around the Early Intermediate level.
    • Focus Student #5 (JB): Potential CELDT/ELPAC Level: Not enough information was provided about JB’s English proficiency to make an educated guess.
    • Focus Student #6 (AS): Potential CELDT/ELPAC Level: Early Advanced. AS struggles academically due to chronic absenteeism and is an English learner with an all-English curriculum, but there isn’t clear evidence of significant struggles with everyday English. She might be more advanced in her speaking/listening skills and could be around the Early Advanced level, though her academic English proficiency might be lower.

    Cultural and linguistic resources and funds of knowledge (i.e., knowledge and skills derived from cultural experience)

    Cultural resources and funds of knowledge:
    • Focus Student #3 (ER):
      • Cultural Background: With a Mexican heritage and knowledge of Latinx culture, he connects with a large portion of East Los Angeles’ population, creating a diverse tapestry of shared experiences and cultural values.
      • Bilingual: Fluent in Spanish and conversational in English. Being bilingual is a valuable asset in multicultural settings.
      • Connection to Latinx Community: ER feels a strong connection to the Mexican and Latinx culture in his community. This connection can help him connect with peers and community members.
      • Interest in Cars and Racing: This passion can be utilized in educational settings to increase student engagement, relate content better, and foster connection with like-minded individuals in the community.
      • Support System: Despite the losses they’ve experienced, ER’s close relationship with his siblings suggests a strong familial support structure. Additionally, their shared experiences could serve as a valuable source of resilience, coping mechanisms, and narratives.
    • Focus Student #5 (JB):
      • Cultural Background: JB might have been exposed to diverse cultural experiences growing up in San Diego’s Lincoln Park neighborhood.
      • Special Needs Understanding: JB’s unique perspectives and experiences as someone with autism can offer valuable insights into neurodiversity. Notably, he demonstrates effective self-advocacy and self-regulation skills.
      • Tech Interest: JB’s interest in computers and technology can serve as a valuable cultural resource in a society that prioritizes technological literacy. This could offer opportunities for engagement and potential career paths.
      • Single-Parent Household: The experience of growing up in a single-parent household can provide unique perspectives and foster resilience, independence, and strong familial bonds.
    • Focus Student #6 (AS):
      • Cultural Background: AS has a diverse cultural background with multi-ethnic heritage from Central America and Mexico, providing varied narratives, practices, and experiences.
      • Bilingual: AS is proficient in both Spanish and English. This ability facilitates communication, comprehension of diverse viewpoints, and navigating multicultural environments.
      • Religious Diversity: AS benefits from exposure to multiple spiritual perspectives and traditions due to having parents with different religious practices.
      • Notetaking Skills: AS shows strong organizational skills through color-coded notetaking, indicating a potential visual learning preference.
    Linguistic resources and funds of knowledge:
    • Focus Student #3 (ER):
      • Bilingual Proficiency: ER is fluent in Spanish and conversational in English, giving him the ability to navigate two linguistic worlds and potentially enhancing cognitive flexibility.
      • Spanish Fluency: ER’s fluency in Spanish could be an asset in a classroom setting for language comparisons or collaborative projects.
      • Cognates Recognition: Because Spanish and English share numerous cognates, ER might have an edge in understanding certain English vocabulary based on his Spanish knowledge.
    • Focus Student #5 (JB):
      • Specialized Language Understanding: Given JB’s special education context, he may have developed an understanding of specific terminologies and language structures related to his own learning process and needs.
      • Tech Language: With his interest in computers and technology, JB might possess certain vocabulary or concepts from the tech world.
    • Focus Student #6 (AS):
      • Bilingual Proficiency: AS is fluent in Spanish and is in the process of acquiring English proficiency. Her ability to navigate both languages is a significant linguistic resource.
      • Translanguaging Potential: AS comes from a bilingual household where both Spanish and English are spoken at varying levels, so she might have the skill of “translanguaging,” which refers to the ability to navigate between languages seamlessly in a conversation or thought process. This skill can be leveraged in multilingual settings.
      • Cultural Linguistic Nuances: As AS’s family is multi-ethnic (Central American and Mexican), she might be exposed to regional linguistic variations, idioms, or colloquialisms unique to these cultures.
      • Note-Taking Skills: While this can be seen as a cognitive skill, AS’s ability to take effective, color-coded notes also reflects a linguistic ability to process and organize information effectively in written form.

    Prior experiences and interests related to the content

    How might you incorporate or build on their experiences and interests as assets to this lesson:

    • Incorporating the experiences and interests of the focus students into the Virtual Roller Coaster Design lesson can greatly enhance their engagement and connection to the content. For ER, who has a keen interest in Aztec and Mayan cultures, this could manifest in the design of a roller coaster that is inspired by the aesthetics and themes of these ancient civilizations, such as pyramids or historical events. Given ER’s proficiency in Spanish, a unique angle could be to let him initially design or narrate his roller coaster concept in Spanish and later transition to English. This approach not only acknowledges his home language but also showcases the cultural perspectives and differences in amusement designs from Spanish-speaking countries.
    • For JB, his inclination towards computers and technology provides an excellent avenue for a deeper dive. He could be tasked with researching the technological aspects of roller coasters or even the software mechanics of the Roller Coaster Creator. Given his sensory preferences, incorporating times when he can utilize headphones or a fidget can ensure he remains engaged. While collaboration is a cornerstone of this lesson, considering JB’s tendencies, allowing him periods of solitary work followed by group integrations might be more beneficial.
    • AS, with her rich bilingual and multi-ethnic background, brings a global perspective to the table. She can be encouraged to integrate design elements from Central American and Mexican cultures, creating a fusion that reflects her heritage. Her strength in notetaking can be leveraged as a documentation process for her design journey. Moreover, strategically pairing her with empathetic and supportive peers can bridge her into group discussions and counteract her natural inclination to avoid social interactions.

    Lesson management structure

    What behavioral expectations will you model and expect?

    • During the Virtual Roller Coaster Design lesson, I will require students to display strong collaboration skills, active engagement with technology, and respect for diverse opinions. I will stress the importance of respectful collaboration, encouraging students to actively listen, value their peers’ input, and provide constructive feedback while working in pairs or small groups. Proper engagement with the Roller Coaster Creator software will also be emphasized, with students expected to stay on task and avoid unrelated online activities. Responsible and appropriate use of technology is crucial, and students must use the software only as directed and refrain from downloading or modifying any unauthorized content. Additionally, students must be open to diverse perspectives, embracing their peers’ cultural, artistic, and engineering insights. Effective time management and self-regulation will be essential, and I will encourage students to seek help when necessary. During presentations, active listening and constructive feedback will be expected. Finally, safety and orderliness in the classroom will be paramount. By establishing and modeling these expectations from the outset, I hope to ensure a successful and productive learning experience for all students.

    What do you expect students to deeply understand about the lesson? What do you expect students to retain after the lesson and use in future learning?

    The Virtual Roller Coaster Design lesson requires students to have a deep understanding of a range of concepts and skills. They need to comprehend the mathematical principles that underlie roller coaster design, including trigonometry and physics, and how these concepts are applied in practical situations.

    To design and simulate effectively, it is essential for students to master the NoLimits 2 Roller Coaster Simulation software. Additionally, students should value collaboration, teamwork, and communication skills to enhance roller coaster designs. They should also develop problem-solving skills specific to roller coaster design, enabling them to identify and address design flaws.

    Furthermore, the lesson aims to develop students’ presentation skills by emphasizing the importance of clear and engaging communication. Creativity in design should be acknowledged, along with the ability to think critically, analyze data, and make informed decisions for design improvements. Attention to detail is also crucial, recognizing that precision plays a vital role in ensuring roller coaster safety and performance. For those interested in engineering, the lesson encourages a foundational understanding of engineering principles related to roller coasters.

    Finally, students should understand that the skills and knowledge acquired in this lesson extend beyond roller coaster design and have relevance in various academic subjects and real-world scenarios, fostering both subject-specific expertise and broader competencies.

    What misunderstandings or misconceptions do you expect students might have from the lesson?

    When learning about virtual roller coaster design, students may encounter several misunderstandings or misconceptions. One common misconception is that students may overlook safety considerations in the pursuit of creating exciting designs. They may become so focused on generating thrills that they may underestimate the critical balance required between excitement and rider safety, potentially leading to designs that could be dangerous in the real world.

    Another potential misunderstanding could revolve around the mathematical aspects of roller coaster design. Some students might oversimplify or underestimate the complexity of the mathematical concepts involved, assuming that basic calculations are sufficient for designing effective roller coasters. This misconception may lead to designs that lack precision and optimal performance.

    For those interested in engineering, there’s a possibility of misunderstanding or oversimplifying engineering principles specific to roller coaster design. Students might assume that creative designs alone can compensate for a lack of adherence to engineering standards, potentially compromising the safety and functionality of their designs.

    Furthermore, students may not fully grasp the capabilities and limitations of the NoLimits 2 Roller Coaster Simulation software. They might erroneously assume that the software can perfectly replicate real-world roller coaster behavior, leading to unrealistic design expectations.

    Collaboration and teamwork could be another area of misconception. Some students may underestimate the importance of working collaboratively in roller coaster design, assuming that individual efforts are sufficient. This misconception might prevent them from harnessing the benefits of diverse perspectives and shared problem-solving.

    The iterative nature of the design process may also be misunderstood, with some students overlooking the need for testing and making improvements based on simulation results. They might mistakenly believe that their initial design is flawless and does not require revision.

    Effective presentation skills could be undervalued, with students underestimating the significance of conveying their ideas clearly and persuasively. They might focus solely on the technical aspects of design and neglect the importance of presentation.

    Moreover, students might prioritize creating roller coasters solely for maximum thrill and excitement while disregarding other factors like rider comfort, aesthetics, or thematic elements that contribute to a holistic roller coaster experience.

    Lastly, there is a possibility that students may not fully consider real-world constraints that affect roller coaster design, such as budget limitations, space restrictions, and safety regulations. They might assume that their virtual designs can be directly translated into physical roller coasters without considering these constraints.

    What knowledge and skills do you expect students to have after engaging in the lesson?

    Upon completion of the Virtual Roller Coaster Design lesson, students are expected to have gained a comprehensive set of knowledge and skills. They should have a strong understanding of mathematical concepts relevant to roller coaster design, including trigonometry, physics, engineering, and mathematics. These concepts can be applied to calculate crucial parameters such as height, speed, and forces. Additionally, students should be proficient in simulation software, such as NoLimits 2 Roller Coaster Simulation software. This will enable them to navigate the tool effectively and conduct virtual roller coaster simulations.

    Collaborative skills are a significant outcome of the lesson. Students are expected to have honed their teamwork and communication abilities through group work and peer collaboration. These skills should empower them to work cohesively, share ideas, and collectively pursue common objectives.

    Another key takeaway is the development of problem-solving competencies, particularly in the context of roller coaster design. Students should be well-equipped to identify design flaws, critically analyze simulation results, and make informed decisions to optimize their roller coaster creations.

    The lesson emphasizes enhancements in presentation skills. This enables students to articulate their roller coaster design processes, describe challenges encountered, and effectively convey simulation outcomes with clarity and persuasion to an audience.

    Furthermore, the lesson fosters creativity and innovation, with students developing the capacity for creative thinking and innovative design approaches, introducing imaginative elements to their roller coasters.

    Critical thinking skills should also be improved, empowering students to critically assess data, evaluate design choices, and make well-informed judgments to enhance the quality and safety of their roller coaster designs.

    Attention to detail is emphasized throughout the lesson, leading students to develop a meticulous eye for precision in their designs. This ensures that all aspects of roller coaster construction, from track alignment to safety features, are thoroughly considered.

    For those interested in engineering, the lesson provides a foundational understanding of engineering principles specific to roller coaster design. This offers a potential pathway for further exploration in engineering fields.

    Lastly, students are expected to recognize the real-world application of their acquired skills and knowledge beyond roller coaster design. They should understand how mathematical, technological, collaborative, and problem-solving skills can be flexibly employed across various academic subjects and real-world challenges, enriching their adaptability and versatility in learning and problem-solving endeavors.

    What essential questions will you ask to determine if students are not meeting, meeting, or exceeding the learning goal(s) of the lesson?

    • Mathematical Proficiency: How did you use mathematical concepts to calculate the key parameters of your roller coaster?
    • Technology Proficiency: How did you effectively use the simulation software to create and test your roller coaster?
    • Collaboration Skills: What were the strengths of your team’s collaborative efforts in roller coaster design?
    • Problem-Solving Abilities: How did you identify and address design flaws or challenges in your roller coaster design?
    • Presentation Skills: Can you explain how your presentation skills positively influenced your project’s reception by the audience?
    • Creativity and Innovation: How did your creative ideas enhance the excitement of your roller coaster?
    • Critical Thinking: How did you use critical thinking to interpret simulation data and make design improvements?
    • Attention to Detail: How did your attention to detail contribute to the precision and safety of your roller coaster design?
    • Engineering Principles: What basic engineering principles did you apply in your roller coaster project?
    • Real-World Application: How do you envision using the skills you acquired in this lesson in other academic subjects or real-world situations?

    What will students do to demonstrate achievement of content during the lesson? Identify the UDL Principle Guidelines incorporated.

    • Design and Simulation Activities (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation): Students will actively engage with the NoLimits 2 Roller Coaster Simulation software, which provides visual and interactive representations of roller coaster design and performance. This caters to diverse learning styles and allows students to explore the content through multiple senses.
    • Collaborative Group Work (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement): Students will work in pairs or small groups, promoting collaboration and peer learning. This collaborative approach taps into the principle of engagement by allowing students to interact and share ideas, fostering a supportive and motivating learning environment.
    • Problem-Solving and Iteration (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): As students design and simulate their roller coasters, they will encounter challenges and opportunities for problem-solving. They will demonstrate their understanding by making informed decisions to improve their designs, aligning with the principle of providing multiple means for students to express their knowledge.
    • Presentation and Communication (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): Students will deliver presentations to the class about their roller coaster design processes and simulation results. This aligns with the principle of offering multiple means for students to express their understanding. Those who may struggle with verbal communication can use visual aids or written explanations to convey their ideas effectively.
    • Creative Design Choices (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation and Engagement): Encouraging creativity in roller coaster design caters to the principle of representation by allowing students to approach the content in diverse and imaginative ways. This also enhances engagement, as students can take ownership of their creative ideas.
    • Real-World Application (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation and Engagement): Students will be prompted to consider the real-world application of their skills beyond roller coaster design. This ties into both representation and engagement principles, as it connects the lesson content to broader contexts and motivates students by highlighting the relevance of their learning.
    • Individualized Support (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): For students who may need additional support, educators can provide individualized assistance, such as pre-made roller coaster designs that can be modified. This personalized support aligns with the principle of providing multiple means for students to express their understanding.
    • Reflective Practice (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement): Throughout the lesson, students will engage in reflection, assessing their designs, identifying challenges, and making improvements. This reflective practice fosters engagement by encouraging students to actively participate in their learning process.

    How will you know students understand the content? What evidence will you collect? Identify the UDL Principle Guidelines incorporated.

    • Formative Assessment During Design and Simulation Activities (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation): I will closely observe students as they engage with the NoLimits 2 Roller Coaster Simulation software. I’ll look for evidence of their correct application of mathematical concepts, their ability to create realistic roller coaster designs, and their aptitude in identifying and rectifying design flaws. This approach adheres to the principle of representation by providing diverse ways to gauge students’ comprehension.
    • Peer Assessment and Collaboration (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement): I will encourage peer assessment and group discussions to evaluate students’ understanding. I’ll listen attentively to their explanations, monitor their questions, and assess the quality of their interactions with peers. Effective collaboration and the ability to convey concepts to others will serve as strong indicators of comprehension, aligning with the principle of engagement.
    • Problem-Solving and Iteration (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): As students encounter challenges during the design and simulation phases, I will assess their problem-solving approaches and their capacity to make informed decisions. I will collect evidence through their iterative design improvements and their discussions around problem-solving strategies.
    • Presentation and Communication Skills (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): During students’ presentations about their roller coaster designs, I will evaluate their ability to articulate their design processes, describe challenges encountered, and communicate simulation results effectively. Effective communication, whether verbal or supported by visual aids, will serve as compelling evidence of understanding.
    • Creative Design Choices (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation and Engagement): I will examine the creative elements integrated into students’ roller coaster designs. Innovative features, imaginative concepts, and creative problem-solving will demonstrate a deeper understanding of the content, addressing both the representation and engagement principles.
    • Reflection and Metacognition (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement): Encouraging students to reflect on their designs and learning experiences will foster metacognition. I will gather evidence of their understanding through their reflective statements, self-assessments, and insights into the design process.
    • Real-World Application (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation and Engagement): I will assess students’ ability to discuss how their newfound skills can be applied beyond roller coaster design, connecting their learning to real-world contexts. This approach aligns with both the representation and engagement principles.
    • Individualized Support and Accommodations (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): For students requiring additional support or accommodations, I will assess their understanding based on their individualized goals and progress, ensuring that all learners have equitable opportunities to demonstrate their comprehension.

    What activities will the students be involved in during the lesson to support their achievement of the learning goal(s)? Identify the UDL Principle Guidelines incorporated.

    • Introduction to Roller Coasters (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation): A class discussion where students share their existing knowledge and perceptions of roller coasters is conducted to activate prior knowledge and diverse perspectives, addressing the representation principle.
    • Design and Simulation with NoLimits 2 Software (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation): Students will design and simulate roller coasters using NoLimits 2 software. This interactive and visual activity accommodates diverse learning styles and allows for hands-on engagement.
    • Collaborative Group Work (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement): Students work in pairs or small groups to design their roller coasters collaboratively, promoting engagement by encouraging interaction, peer learning, and sharing ideas, aligning with the engagement principle.
    • Problem-Solving and Iteration (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): Students identify design flaws and areas for improvement during the simulation phase, making iterative changes to their roller coasters allowing students to express their understanding by applying knowledge and decision-making skills.
    • Presentation Preparation (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): Students prepare presentations about their roller coaster designs and experiences, providing multiple means to express their understanding, whether through verbal communication, visual aids, or written explanations.
    • Presentation to the Class (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): Students deliver presentations to the class, sharing their design processes and simulation results, offering multiple means to express their knowledge, and catering to various communication styles and abilities.
    • Creative Design Choices (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation and Engagement): Encouraging students to introduce creative and imaginative elements into their roller coaster designs addresses both representation and engagement principles. This will allow students to approach the content from diverse and imaginative perspectives.
    • Reflection and Metacognition (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement): Students engage in reflective discussions about their design process, challenges faced, and improvements made, fostering metacognition, self-awareness, engagement, and self-regulation.
    • Real-World Application Discussion (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation and Engagement): Students discuss the real-world application of their skills in contexts beyond roller coaster design, connecting lesson content to broader contexts to enhance representation and engagement.
    • Individualized Support and Accommodations (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): Providing additional support or accommodations for students with diverse learning needs ensures that all students have equitable opportunities to engage in the activities and achieve the learning goals.

    How will you group students and manage group work to support student learning? Identify the UDL Principle Guidelines incorporated.

    • Flexible Grouping (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement):
      • I will use flexible grouping strategies, allowing students to work in pairs or small groups based on their preferences and learning styles. This approach caters to diverse engagement needs and encourages students to collaborate with peers they are comfortable working with.
    • Varied Group Roles (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression):
      • Within each group, I will assign varied roles to students. For example, one student may focus on mathematical calculations, another on design creativity, and another on simulation analysis. This approach provides multiple means for students to contribute based on their strengths and interests.
    • Clear Group Objectives (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation):
      • I will provide each group with clear objectives and criteria for success, ensuring that all students understand the learning goals and what is expected of them. This supports diverse learners by presenting information in multiple ways, making it accessible to all.
    • Peer Support (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement):
      • To foster peer support and collaboration, I will encourage students to help one another when they encounter challenges. This aligns with the principle of engagement by creating a supportive and motivating learning environment.
    • Individual Accountability (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression):
      • While students work in groups, I will emphasize individual accountability by assigning specific tasks and responsibilities to each student within the group. This ensures that every student actively participates and contributes to the project.
    • Monitoring and Adjustments (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement):
      • I will continuously monitor group dynamics and progress, making adjustments as needed. If I observe any issues or imbalances in group work, I will provide guidance and support to ensure that all students are actively engaged and contributing.
    • Group Reflection (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement):
      • At the end of the group work session, I will facilitate a reflection activity where each group discusses their experiences and what they learned. This reflection promotes metacognition and self-awareness, aligning with the engagement principle.
    • Choice and Autonomy (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement):
      • I will allow students some choice in selecting their group members or roles within the group. This autonomy encourages student ownership of their learning, fostering engagement and motivation.
    • Accommodations and Support (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression):
      • For students who require additional support or accommodations, I will provide guidance, clarification, or differentiated tasks to ensure they can actively participate in group work. This approach aligns with the principle of providing multiple means for students to express their knowledge.

    What instructional strategies will support student learning through multiple modalities? How will you use gradual release? Identify the UDL Principle Guidelines incorporated.

    • Direct Instruction (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation): I will begin with direct instruction to introduce students to the NoLimits 2 Roller Coaster Simulation software, the mathematical concepts involved, and the basic principles of roller coaster design. This provides a clear and accessible representation of essential information.
    • Guided Practice (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): Following direct instruction, I will guide students through the initial steps of using the software and designing a simple roller coaster. This hands-on practice allows students to apply what they’ve learned in a supported environment, addressing the principle of providing multiple means for students to express their knowledge.
    • Peer Collaboration (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement): During the guided practice phase, I will encourage peer collaboration, where students can work together to explore the software, share ideas, and troubleshoot challenges. This promotes engagement and offers diverse ways for students to engage with the content.
    • Gradual Release of Responsibility (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): As students become more familiar with the software and roller coaster design concepts, I will gradually release responsibility. Students will have increasing autonomy to design and simulate roller coasters independently. This aligns with the principle of offering multiple means for students to express their understanding.
    • Scaffolded Resources (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation): To support independent learning, I will provide scaffolded resources such as templates, tutorials, and design guidelines. These resources cater to diverse learning styles and abilities, making the content accessible.
    • Differentiated Tasks (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Action and Expression): To accommodate diverse learners, I will offer differentiated tasks with varying levels of complexity. Students can choose tasks that align with their readiness and interests. This approach supports individualized action and expression.
    • Technology-Assisted Learning (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Representation): The use of technology and the NoLimits 2 software enables students to engage with the content through visual and interactive modalities. This caters to diverse learning styles and addresses the representation principle.
    • Reflection and Self-Assessment (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement): Throughout the lesson, I will incorporate reflection and self-assessment activities where students evaluate their own progress, identify areas of improvement, and set goals. This promotes metacognition and self-regulation, aligning with the engagement principle.
    • Real-World Application (UDL Principle: Multiple Means of Engagement): I will facilitate discussions on the real-world application of roller coaster design principles, connecting the lesson content to broader contexts. This enhances engagement by demonstrating the relevance of learning.

    What resources, materials, and/or educational technology will you or your students use during the lesson?

    • NoLimits 2 Roller Coaster Simulation Software: Students will use this educational software to design and simulate roller coasters. It serves as the primary technology tool for the lesson, providing hands-on experience in roller coaster design and physics.
    • Computers: Students will require computers or laptops equipped with the NoLimits 2 software for their design and simulation activities. Access to computers is crucial for hands-on engagement.
    • Projectors: Projectors will be used to display students’ roller coaster designs and simulations to the entire class during presentations. This technology enhances the sharing and visualization of student work.
    • Handouts: Handouts with lesson instructions and assessment criteria will be provided to students. These handouts serve as printed reference materials, catering to different learning preferences and needs.
    • Collaboration Tools: Online collaboration tools or platforms may be used for group discussions, file sharing, and collaborative work, depending on the availability and preferences of the learning environment.
    • Scaffolded Resources: Scaffolded resources, such as templates, design guidelines, and tutorials, will be provided to support students at various stages of the lesson. These resources cater to diverse learning styles and abilities.
    • Presentation Tools: Students may use presentation tools like Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides to prepare and deliver their presentations. These tools allow for visual and multimedia expression of their roller coaster designs.
    • Internet Access: Reliable internet access will be necessary for students to access online resources, research information, and collaborate if online platforms are used.
    • Reflective Journals: Some students may use reflective journals or digital note-taking tools to document their design process, challenges faced, and insights gained during the lesson. These journals promote metacognition and self-reflection.
    • Real-World References: Educational materials, videos, or articles related to roller coaster design principles and real-world applications may be used to enhance students’ understanding of the topic.
    • Assistive Technology: For students with specific needs, assistive technology tools and resources, such as screen readers or speech-to-text software, may be provided to ensure equitable access and participation.
    • Printed and Visual Resources: Additional printed materials, visuals, and diagrams may be used to support different learning styles and preferences.

    What adaptations and accommodations, including, as appropriate, assistive technologies, will support individual student learning needs beyond the UDL supports built into the lesson?

    • Review Individualized Education Programs (IEPs): I will carefully review IEPs for students with disabilities and exceptionalities to identify specific accommodations and modifications that support their learning needs during the lesson.
    • Provide Assistive Technology: I will ensure that students who require assistive technology receive the necessary tools, such as screen readers or speech-to-text software, to enable equitable access to the lesson materials and software.
    • Coordinate with Support Staff: I will collaborate with paraprofessionals and special education teachers to provide one-on-one support and personalized guidance to students with exceptionalities.
    • Modify Assignments: For students with significant learning disabilities, I will adapt assignments to align with their individualized goals and abilities, ensuring that they can actively participate and succeed in the lesson.
    • Offer Visual Supports: I will provide visual supports, such as graphic organizers and pictorial instructions, to students who benefit from visual aids in understanding and completing tasks.
    • Facilitate Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text Use: I will assist students with reading difficulties or language processing challenges in using text-to-speech and speech-to-text tools to support their comprehension and expression.
    • Accommodate Assessment Formats: I will adapt assessments to accommodate students with diverse needs, allowing them to demonstrate their understanding through alternative means when necessary.
    • Conduct Small Group Instruction: I will offer small group instruction to students who require more intensive guidance and support, ensuring they receive individualized feedback and assistance.
    • Grant Extended Response Time: I will provide extended response time for assignments and assessments to students who need additional processing time.
    • Provide Sensory Supports: For students with sensory sensitivities, I will offer sensory supports such as noise-canceling headphones or sensory fidgets to create a comfortable and inclusive learning environment.
    • Develop Individualized Support Plans: In collaboration with support staff and specialists, I will develop individualized support plans for students with complex needs, outlining specific strategies, goals, and accommodations tailored to each student.
    • Consult with Special Education Team: I will maintain regular consultation with the special education team and engage in productive discussions with parents to ensure that adaptations and accommodations remain effective and responsive to students’ evolving needs.
    • Ensure Accessible Materials: I will ensure that all instructional materials are provided in accessible formats, such as large print or electronic text, to accommodate students with visual impairments.
    • Offer Personalized Feedback and Goal Setting: Students with individualized learning goals will receive personalized feedback, engage in goal-setting discussions, and participate in tracking their progress to make necessary adjustments for their success.

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