simSchool Field Experience (Reflection and Meeting Notes)

    This assignment is Part Two of our Field Experience and serves as a practical foundation to our future teaching career. The process of using SimSchool and completing a reflection (on SIM School) was similar to our other foundation course. 

    I completed the module Classroom Management Grade 7 (single subject)

    Rationale for Assignment

    As a teacher candidate, having a variety of field experience settings is essential. As general education teachers or special education teachers, we will likely have students with special needs or at-risk learners.

    Equally important, we will more than likely have to teach these learners within a co-teaching setting. Additionally, IDEA states that IEP teams must consider the least restrictive environment to meet the needs of a learner. In co-teaching, there are four major models. The first model is called supportive teaching. Another model is known as parallel teaching. The third approach is the complementary model, where we demonstrate a skill to the students in a unique way.  Finally, there is the team teaching scenario (which we will do solo). In this model, we plan, grade, and teach.

    This assignment allowed us to implement several instructional and behavioral techniques we learned throughout our foundation program and assess our ability to meet the teaching performance expectations. This includes designing instruction to meet all learners and using the cyclical and collaborative process to assess and refine instruction.

    Assignment Instructions

    All you had to complete was the module that applied to what we will teach in the future (Multi-subject or Single-subject).

    After completing the module, we had to upload the SimSchool Reflection (completed in SIM School) assignment. Basically, all we needed to do for this assignment was do the module Classroom Management Grade 1 (multiple subject) OR Classroom Management Grade 7 (single subject).

    Reflection Questions

    The following questions were to be answered after we finished teaching the classes in this module. They were available for us to read before we taught to frame our experience and then return after teaching to answer them. We were to teach each class for a minimum of 15 minutes, create a report for each through the Observations page, and review our results. We had to answer all questions for this module to be marked as complete.

    1. What classroom management strategies did the teacher use that you observed to be very effective or ineffective in your opinion?
      • It seemed very effective to greet students, give them about 3 minutes to doodle, then a two minute transition period before beginning instruction. Once the instruction was designed, walking around the classroom and giving periodic praise kept most of the hands down, faces smiling, and work flowing.
    2. How did the teacher ensure that all students participated equitably throughout the lesson by adjusting to individual student needs?
      • I did try to adjust to individual needs as questions were asked. I assigned a few alternate tasks when students complained about the work being too easy.
    3. If you were the teacher teaching this class, are there any things that you would do differently?
      • I would try to work a little more with the students that weren’t performing well. I am not that good in these simulations with discipline.

    Simulation Instance Observational Report

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