Month: August 2023

    Course DescriptionsEducational PsychologyITL606 Learners and Learning IINational UniversityStudent Assessment and EvaluationTeaching Methods and Strategies

    ITL606 Learners and Learning II

    ITL606 Learners and Learning II examines theories and research regarding typical and atypical child and adolescent development and learning. It considers various data collection and assessment techniques guiding the selection of effective instructional strategies, practices, resources, and technologies needed to create environments supporting the full range of learners and providing equitable access to the curriculum. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon the successful completion of this course, candidates will be able to do the following at an introductory level: COURSE SPECIFIC EXPECTATIONS: The readings, handouts, and assignments will focus on learning theories, including typical and atypical development and factors of diversity impacting...
    CourseworkInclusive EducationITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversityStudent DiversityTeaching Strategies

    Strategies and Support Identification of Three Focus Students

    This assignment aims to prepare us to consider the diversity of assets of all our students when planning lessons. We’ll do this by selecting three students to focus on (described below), almost as “case studies.” By taking the assets and needs of these three focus students into consideration, we will accomplish one of two things: By the end of the assignment and throughout this course, we will have identified and analyzed data, assets, and gaps on three Focus Students, which will have allowed us to determine appropriate supports and strategies, providing differentiated ACCESS to our instruction and learning. Deliverables We...
    Addressing Learning BarriersCourseworkDifferentiation in TeachingInclusive Education StrategiesITL604 Learners and Learning INational University

    Differentiated Instruction

    For our Week 4 Discussion, we were to watch the following video on various ways to use instructional strategies for inclusive practices and choose one of two options for completing the assignment. For my discussion, I chose to complete Option 1, which was to respond by developing a video (2-5 minutes) or written reflection (half-page) of what I learned from the video and 1-2 instructional strategies that I would use in my classroom. I was advised to consider the following instructional strategies: explicit direct instruction, learning styles, choice, cooperative learning, small group, direct interactive instruction, or other instructional strategies that would...
    Adolescent DevelopmentCourseworkEnglish Language LearningITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversitySpecial Education Strategies

    Asset Identification of Three Focus Students

    This assignment aims to prepare us to consider the diverse needs of all our students when planning lessons. We’ll do this by selecting three students to focus on (described below either in your own classroom or from the case studies towards the end of this document – only select 3), almost as “case studies.” By taking the needs of these three focus students into consideration, we will accomplish one of two things: Deliverables Three completed tables (one for each focus student). These are real-life students who are trusting that you will provide them with what they need to be successful....
    CourseworkFamily Engagement in EducationITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversityOvercoming Communication BarriersParent-Teacher Communication

    Parent-Teacher Communication

    For this week’s discussion, we were to respond by developing a video (2-5 minutes) or written reflection (half-page) of what we learned from the videos and how we would communicate with parents.  We were advised to state at least 3 unique ways we would communicate with parents and families and how we would go about it.  What barriers do we think we may face, and how would we go about overcoming those concerns? Assignment Grade: 5/5
    Classroom Management and EnvironmentCourseworkITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversitySocial and Emotional Learning (SEL)Teacher Development and Strategies

    Building Healthy Relationships

    We will examine building healthy relationships through the lens of Social Emotional Learning. By implementing the tenets of building relationships, teachers can enhance the learning environment and improve academics. Explore these six cards to discover valuable practices that impact student-teacher relationships. Differentiation Intern and student teachers can engage with the “Building Healthy Relationships?” Playbook based on their own teaching and learning experiences. Intern teachers, what SEL strategies are you currently implementing? Student teachers, where do you want to begin with a strategy to Build Healthy Relationships in your classroom? Considerations “When teaching social-emotional learning, we are looking at the whole...
    CourseworkEducational Data Analysis and AssessmentITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversitySchool Community Engagement and DevelopmentTeacher Professional Development and Planning

    School Community Asset Identification

    Consider the way your school community is described by data-driven systems. What criteria are measured and how are they discussed? What is not captured in the framing of the collected data? What doesn’t get measured at all? What assets can you identify and leverage for the benefit of your students? (The intention of this assignment is to learn where to find data about your school community, and to identify and examine the assets that may or may not be evident in those data.) Deliverable Our task was to search available data and identify the assets of our school community. We...
    CourseworkEducational Policy and ComplianceITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversitySpecial Education and InclusionTeacher Professional Development

    IEP vs. 504 Plan

    For our Week 2 Discussion, we were to provide a video or written reflection of what we learned from the IEP Team Process video as well as the video on the differences between an IEP and 504 (see below).  In addition to our summary of the videos, we were to reflect by answering the following questions: Assignment Grade: 5/5
    Classroom Management and Instructional StrategiesCourseworkEducational Standards and AssessmentITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversityTeacher Training and Development

    Unpacking the TPEs & Reflecting on Them

    As teacher candidates, we are acquiring knowledge and skills to understand and begin to apply the Teacher Performance Expectations. We utilize the TPEs because they also align with how districts will assess us and our readiness when we apply for a teaching position. After we receive our first teaching assignment, we will be required to clear our credentials. Guess what? The TPEs come into play again! Induction programs (for clearing our credentials) will evaluate our strengths and growth areas as new teachers. In this course and future courses, the TPE assignments will get us prepared and thus help us begin...
    CourseworkCultural Competency and InclusivityITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversityPersonal and Professional DevelopmentTeaching Strategies and Classroom Management

    Personal Identity Analysis

    Who Am I? – Consider the very many elements that comprise your own identity, and think about where they originated and what their implications are. How does your identity impact the way you approach the world and the way the world approaches you? How has this impacted you as a learner? As a teacher? (The intention of this assignment is to develop a shared language and understanding among participants in this course that will support each of us in discussing identity, culture, bias, stereotypes, and assets in meeting the individual needs of students in your classrooms.) Resources During this assignment,...
    CourseworkInclusive Education and DiversityITL604 Learners and Learning INational UniversityStudent Engagement and ParticipationTeaching Methods and Strategies

    Revised Math Lesson Using Funds of Knowledge

    For our Week 1 Discussion, we were to respond via a video reflection of how we, as teachers, can engage learners’ funds of knowledge by acknowledging their prior learning (considering their culture, lived experiences, identity, and interests). Our video reflection was to address a specific common core standard and how we would build upon the students’ interests to seek engagement. We were allowed to use the contextual information below to provide an example or we could share a personal experience. We were to make sure our video reflection was at least 2 minutes with specific examples (instructional strategy and activities)...