For our signature assignment, we were to create a robust TEDEd learning experience that can be used to teach about and assess motivation with our adult peers in this program.
We were to create a video of 5 to 10 minutes in which we:
- Describe one specific type of learner and how we might promote and then assess their motivation.
- Describe at least two specific methods of assessment and then potential interventions we might use to increase the motivation of this particular type of learner.
- Describe two to three intervention strategies that could be used to address the motivational issues of this learner and explain why the interventions would be appropriate.
We were then to complete the steps of TEDEd:
- Let’s Begin/Introduction. Here we were to describe the video and the intended audience and topic of our work.
- Think. Here we could use both multiple-choice and open-ended questions to create assessments of our video.
- Dig Deeper. Here we were to include additional material and links to help expand knowledge about motivation, assessment, and intervention. We were to use at least four additional resources here.
- Discuss. Here we were to expand the ideas with question prompts that provide meaningful expansion of the material.
Let’s Begin/Introduction.
The video presentation titled “Fostering and Assessing Motivation in Auditory Learners: Harnessing the Power of Sound” is aimed at discussing strategies and interventions to enhance motivation in learners who have an auditory learning style. The presenter, Frank Jamison, is affiliated with The Chicago School of Professional Psychology and is delivering the presentation as part of a course on the Psychology of Motivation and Emotion in Learning, instructed by Dr. Ian MacLeod.
In this presentation, I explore effective ways to foster auditory learners’ motivation through sound-based techniques and learn how to understand their unique characteristics. Students, educators, and professionals in the field of psychology or education who are interested in learning about auditory learning styles and looking for practical strategies to engage and motivate auditory learners are likely to benefit from this video presentation.
Throughout the presentation, I discuss various aspects related to auditory learning, including the learning preferences and strengths of auditory learners, the value of audio-based lessons and group discussions in promoting motivation, and a variety of assessment methods suitable for auditory learners.
Auditory learners can also be motivated by intervention strategies outlined in the video, including incorporating music and sound effects into learning materials, utilizing collaborative learning opportunities, providing personalized audio feedback, and integrating multimodal materials into learning. This presentation emphasizes the importance of creating a dynamic and motivating learning environment for auditory learners by addressing their specific needs and preferences.
The overall goal of this video presentation is to provide valuable insights, practical tips, and research references for improving motivation in auditory learners, which ultimately contributes to their academic success.
Multiple-choice questions:
1. According to the video, which learning style do auditory learners excel in?
a) Visual learning b) Kinesthetic learning c) Auditory learning d) Tactile learning
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an important auditory component for auditory learners?
a) Tone b) Pitch c) Texture d) Loudness
3. Which intervention strategy is suggested to address motivational issues in auditory learners?
a) Visual aids and diagrams b) Written feedback and comments c) Personalized audio feedback d) Individual study sessions
Open-ended questions:
4. Explain the two ways mentioned in the video to promote motivation in auditory learners.
5. Describe the benefits of incorporating collaborative learning opportunities for auditory learners, as discussed in the video.
6. Discuss two intervention strategies mentioned in the video that can enhance motivation in auditory learners and explain how they are effective.
Dig Deeper
Bower, M., & Richards, D. (2006). Collaborative learning: Some possibilities and limitations for students and teachers.
Eady, I., & Wilson, J. D. (2004). The influence of music on core learning. Education (Chula Vista), 125(2), 243.
Hammad, E. A. (2020). The impact of oral presentations on Al-Aqsa University EFL students’ speaking performance speaking anxiety and achievement in ELT Methodology 1. Journal of Second and Multiple Language Acquisition, 8(1), 1–27.
Ice, P., Curtis, R., Phillips, P., & Wells, J. (2019). Using Asynchronous Audio Feedback to Enhance Teaching Presence and Students’ Sense of Community. Online Learning, 11(2).
Kayalar, F., & Kayalar, F. (2017). The effects of Auditory Learning Strategy on Learning Skills of Language Learners (Students’ Views).
Law, S. (2020). An Exploratory Case Study into the role of using student audio recordings/ Podcasts as an aide to develop understanding and enhance student self-learning [Letterkenny Institute of Technology].
Mandernach, B. J., Robertson, S. N., & Steele, J. P. (2018). Beyond Content: The Value of Instructor-Student Connections in the Online Classroom. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 18(4).
Sankey, M., Birch, D., & Gardiner, M. (2010). Engaging students through multimodal learning environments: The journey continues.
The Role of Music and Collaborative Learning in Education
Research on how music can be incorporated into the learning process has been of interest in the educational field for some time now, and the influence of music on core learning is widely recognized. Music has the potential to make educational settings more engaging and stimulating for students when incorporated into lesson plans.
Enhancing cognitive processes is one of the key benefits of using music in education. In addition to capturing students’ attention, music enhances their focus, memory, and concentration. The rhythm and melody of music can aid memory retention and recall of information by creating a rhythm for learning. Students can also use music as a mnemonic device to help them remember and organize their content.
In addition, it is important to consider the impact of music on motivation in education. When students are emotionally stimulated by music, they become more motivated to learn. A positive and enjoyable learning environment can be created through the use of appropriate music, making the learning experience more engaging and rewarding for students.
When incorporating music into education, however, it is important to keep in mind individual preferences and the diversity of students. Educators should take into account that not all students respond equally to the same type of music. To ensure maximum learning effectiveness, music should be selected based on learning objectives and content, taking tempo, rhythm, and style into consideration.
Even though music can have a positive impact on the learning process, there may also be challenges to be considered. It is important to ensure that music doesn’t become a distraction or hinder concentration, as individual responses to music can vary. The volume and duration of learning materials must be carefully considered in order to maintain an optimal learning environment.
Collaborative learning involves students working together in teams or groups to achieve shared learning objectives. The approach has several potential benefits for students as well as teachers. Through active engagement with their peers, students can exchange ideas, challenge assumptions, and deepen their understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, collaborative learning promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills as students learn to analyze information from different perspectives and construct knowledge together.
The ability to communicate and interact effectively is also enhanced by collaborative learning. Students gain confidence in articulating their thoughts, listening actively, and providing constructive feedback to others. As a result of working in teams, students learn how to collaborate, negotiate, and resolve conflicts effectively. Having these skills is essential for real-world situations that require collaboration and teamwork.
For auditory learners, collaborative learning can be highly motivating. As a result of the interactive nature of group discussions and debates, auditory learners are actively processing information, sharing their ideas, and exploring different perspectives. Meaningful conversations improve understanding and motivate participants through their interactive and collaborative nature. Furthermore, collaborative learning fosters a sense of belonging and community, which can contribute to students’ intrinsic motivation.
There are, however, some challenges associated with collaborative learning. In addition to unequal participation and conflicts among group members, group dynamics can also affect collaborative learning effectiveness. It is crucial to balance individual accountability with equal participation in collaborative learning activities. Collaborative learning is facilitated and guided by teachers who provide clear instructions, set expectations, and promote a positive learning environment.
In conclusion, the integration of music and collaborative learning in education holds immense potential for enhancing the learning experience for students, particularly auditory learners. By leveraging the power of music, educators can enhance cognitive processes and motivation, creating a more engaging and stimulating learning environment. Additionally, collaborative learning promotes critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and effective communication, benefiting students’ overall academic development. While there may be challenges to overcome, with careful planning and guidance, the combination of music and collaborative learning can pave the way for transformative educational experiences. By embracing these approaches and further exploring their effectiveness, educators can unlock the full potential of auditory learners and foster a dynamic and inclusive learning environment for all students.
Assignment Grade: 40/40