Month: May 2023

    CourseworkEP614: The Psychology of Motivation and Emotion in LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Literature Review, Part I

    To begin preparing for the level of scholarly writing needed throughout your dissertation, we will complete a literature review for Unit 6 of this course. A literature review is an overview of various research in the field, synthesized to present different perspectives and ideas on the selected topic. This assignment will also help prepare us for our dissertation since Chapter 2 of our dissertation will include a literature review of our research topic.  For this assignment, we were to select a motivational theory to research and compose a 5-page literature review, with a minimum of 10 sources. In our 10...
    CourseworkEP614: The Psychology of Motivation and Emotion in LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Motivation and Emotion Infographic

    For this assignment, we were to select a specific topic from the Unit 2 readings to present in an infographic to a group of learners of our choice (e.g., K-12, higher education, training, military, etc.). We were allowed to select one of the free platforms from the Unit 2 websites/tools to create our infographic. For this assignment, I chose option 1. Assignment Grade: 20/20
    CourseworkEP805: Residency I - 2023 Summer 1The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Poster Session: Technology Advancements

    For our first residency, we were to prepare a poster: The poster session will be held on Tuesday, June 6th. This year’s poster session will be structured similarly to a virtual conference poster session. we were allowed to draw from our dissertation or work completed in our courses in order to develop this presentation. Our presentation was to be a 3-4 minute overview of the topic/focus we selected. As with poster sessions in both live and virtual conferences, we will present our presentation several times as students rote through our room. we were to select one option from the following...
    CourseworkEP614: The Psychology of Motivation and Emotion in LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Emailing a Student about Motivation Issues

    This course will utilize a “Critical Friends” approach to learning. Throughout the class, we will be assigned 1-2 critical friends and we will provide each other feedback on assignments throughout the course. To begin our experience as a critical friend, we were to complete the below activities. Our initial shared work to our critical friend was to be a mock email where we placed ourselves as a faculty member working with an undergraduate or graduate college student in an online program.  The student has identified to us that they have no motivation to continue in the program and want to...
    Course DescriptionsEP805: Residency I - 2023 Summer 1The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    EP805: Residency I – 2023 Summer 1

    Students enrolled in the Ed.D. Educational Psychology and Technology Online program are required to attend two residencies. Residency sessions focus on various aspects of the field of educational psychology and technology, including dissertation research, professional development skills, and community building. Both residencies include opportunities for mentoring and provide an extension of program learning. Residencies also enhance student relationships within and across cohorts and provide an opportunity for students to meet program faculty and staff. Active engagement and attendance in all residency activities are required for the completion of this program requirement. Students must successfully complete both residencies in order to...