Month: April 2023

    Kappa Delta PiScholarship/Award Applications

    Ralph W. Tyler Laureate Doctoral Scholarship Application

    Here is my application for the Ralph W. Tyler Laureate Doctoral Scholarship. This scholarship is available to one doctoral student in Educational Evaluation and Technology. The essay prompt (no more than 750 words, 3,800 characters) is, “How will your pursuit of a doctoral degree impact the practical and theoretical development of the policies and techniques of (a) educational evaluation or (b) educational technology, as well as the scholarly extension of this area as a field of study?” Please Choose a Scholarship* (Required): Ralph W. Tyler Laureate Doctoral Scholarship Do you belong to a KDP chapter? Yes or No* (Required): Yes...
    Kappa Delta PiScholarship/Award Applications

    Louise M. Berman Fellows Award Application

    Here is my completed application for the Louise M. Berman Fellows Award. It is the first scholarship/award application I have ever submitted. It’s pretty lengthy and will give you an idea of what to expect from a doctorate-level scholarship/award application. I feel that my proposed dissertation topic and research lends itself well to this award. Topic: Louise M. Berman Fellows Award KDP is honored to serve as the endowment manager for the legacy of the Louise M. Berman Fellows Fund. Dr. Berman was a longtime member of KDP and an honored Laureate. Available to one graduate student at the master’s...
    CourseworkEP607: Qualitative Methods in Educational ResearchThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Qualitative Methods in Educational Research e-Journal

    In the Unit 14 Written Assignment, we were to complete an e-journal discussing our plans moving forward with our study. Looking back on what we have learned about qualitative research in the course, what would we change about our study moving forward? What do we think the most challenging part of conducting this study would be and why? Will we conduct our proposed study for our dissertation? Why or why not? Our assignment was to be completed through one of the following e-journal platforms or a platform of your choosing, provided you can share the link with your instructor: PenzuLinks...
    CourseworkEP607: Qualitative Methods in Educational ResearchThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Qualitative Research Proposal Presentation

    For the Module 6 assignment, we were to create a qualitative research proposal presentation that includes a minimum of the below elements. Qualitative Research Proposal Presentation Frank Jamison The Chicago School of Professional Psychology EP 607 Qualitative Methods in Educational Research Dr. Jessica Evans February 12, 2023 Assignment Grade: 100/100
    CourseworkEP607: Qualitative Methods in Educational ResearchThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Finalized Written Proposal

    For Unit 10, we were to use the provided proposal template, as well as the feedback provided to you by our instructor last week, we were to finalize our written qualitative research study proposal and include the below elements. Our final draft was to be in APA 7th edition format and include a title page, abstract, and correct headings for each of the items listed above. Also, we were to remember to cite our sources throughout our document, primarily using scholarly sources within the last five years. The exception to the five year guideline is when we develop the theoretical...
    CourseworkEP607: Qualitative Methods in Educational ResearchThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Research Scenarios and Sample Size

    For Unit 9, we were to choose one of the provided scenarios for further development and propose a methodology, as well as determine and justify an appropriate sample size and a means of triangulation that would be needed to obtain valid data for the research. We were to create our own PowerPoint presentation to identify the research scenario we chose, our proposed methodological approach, 1-3 potential research questions, the sample population/sample size, and the data triangulation method that we determine is most appropriate to produce a valid study. We were to make sure to use the required class readings, as...
    CourseworkEP607: Qualitative Methods in Educational ResearchThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Drafting Preliminary Ideas: Initial Written Proposal Draft

    For the Module 4 written assignment, we were to use a provided template to draft our written qualitative research study proposal to include the below elements: Our document was to be approximately 5-8 pages, with double-spaced content. Our draft was to be in APA 7th edition format and include a title page, abstract, and correct headings (bold, centered) for each of the items listed above. We were also to remember to cite our sources throughout our document, primarily using scholarly sources published within the last five years. Through the grading process, our instructor will return our draft with track changes...