Designing Collaborative Activities

    In our group, consisting of Kristena Rosselli and myself, the Module 4 task was to create a group collaborative online assignment. In other words, we would be designing a collaborative assignment or training task that could be given to a small group of online students or employees for them to accomplish together. The final product was to include a technological component as well as a collaborative component. We were allowed to choose whatever discipline or profession we liked (Psychology, English, History, IT, healthcare, and so on), and we could also determine the age and achievement level of students, ranging from first grade to graduate school or professionals.

    The assignment will require students or professionals to use educational technology, such as digital storytelling, comic creation, Voicethread, and so on. Once we determined those parameters, we were to then write a detailed assignment sheet. The assignment sheet needed to contain the following components.

    1. The learning outcomes for the assignment.
    2. A detailed description of the final product.
    3. The process that the students/professionals should follow to accomplish the product.
    4. Helpful hints about the challenges of group work and practical advice to help the students/professionals (the articles in Unit 8 will be very helpful).
    5. The technology tools that the students/professionals should use to produce the product.
    6. A discussion and/or rubric of how the product will be evaluated.

    Note that we were not writing a formal paper. We were allowed to have fun with the format to create an assignment sheet that will help students or trainees learn and develop both their knowledge and their collaborative skills.


    Frank Jamison

    Kristena Rosselli

    Date: 02/05/2023

    Lesson: Roommate Reasoning


    Designed for College Freshmen

    Financial Literacy

    Topic: Budgeting

    Learning Outcomes

    • Students will be able to determine what items household budgets often include.
    • Students will be able to understand how adding roommates can affect a household’s budget.
    • Students will learn to understand the fundamentals of creating and managing a basic spending plan.
    • Students will be able to recognize the importance of personal financial management.


    • Using the VoiceThread link provided, decide which group member will play each Roommate in the scenario. Please leave comments and record evidence of your discussion and decision-making process.
    • Come up with a Roommate plan that all roommates can agree upon. Then, once again, leave comments and record evidence of your discussion and decision-making process.
    • You may meet with your group members via zoom, but please record and submit your meetings as evidence of collaboration.
    • Use the co-authored excel sheet on Google Sheets to develop a monthly budget based on the factors included in the apartment and roommate descriptions.
    • Turn in the VoiceThread link, Zoom recordings, and co-authored Excel sheet.


    Helpful Hints

    • Interact with content, peers, and teachers to reach project goals
    • Rotate decision control and objectives and incorporate diverse inputs from all group members

    Final Product

    • You will turn in your VoiceThread link and/or Zoom recordings with evidence of your collaboration in creating a roommate plan.
    • Additionally, you will submit your co-authored Excel Sheet showing your monthly budget for each roommate and the apartment as a whole.

    Roommate Reasoning PowerPoint presentation

    Assignment Grade: 49/50

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