Enacting and Analyzing Behaviorism

    Our task for Module 2 was to create an activity that employs behaviorism as its central learning theory. To further complicate the task, we needed to include a technological element in the activity, relying on Harasim’s (2017) discussion.

    The activity should be an assignment that we would use in either a classroom or a training environment.  It was to include the following:

    • Name of assignment
    • Learning objectives
    • Description of what needs to be achieved by the participants
    • Use of technology

    The second section of the assignment is a written analysis of why the scenario/activity that we provided is behaviorist, connecting that discussion to the readings in Unit 3 and Unit 4. In that analysis, we needed to discuss the following:

    • What are the strengths of the behaviorist approach as illustrated in this activity?
    • What are the limitations of the behaviorist approach as illustrated in this activity?
    • What are the outcomes for the learners? For the instructor, trainer, etc.?

    Two to three double-spaced pages, excluding title page and references.

    Programming with Events Using the Code.org Sprite Lab Application

    Frank C. Jamison

    The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    EP 600: The Psychology of Learning

    Dr. Jessica Evans

    January 22, 2023

    Learning Outcomes

    • Students will be able to break down the steps to solve a problem into a precise sequence of instructions.
    • Students will be able to create programs using sequences, events, loops, and conditionals.
    • Students will be able to incorporate portions of an existing program into their work to develop something new or add more advanced features.

    Activity: Sprite Lab Introduction (Code.org, 2022)

    Watch the video Hello World: Welcome to Sprite Lab; pay attention as the instructor shows you how to complete your task using the Sprite Lab application, then use the say block to make a sprite say “Hello World!”. Raise your hand when finished, or if you require further assistance, and your instructor will give you feedback on your work or hints on completing the task.

    Activity: Programming with Events in Sprite Lab (Code.org, 2022)

    Watch the video Hello World: Programming with Events; pay attention as the instructor shows you how to complete your task using the Sprite Lab application, then use the click event to make the sprite say something, change the background, change the appearance and size of a sprite, and to play sounds. Raise your hand when finished, or if you require further assistance, and your instructor will give you feedback on your work or hints on completing the task.

    Activity: Use Sprite Lab to Tell a Story About Yourself (Code.org, 2022)

    Watch the video Hello World – Do What You Want; pay attention as the instructor shows you how to complete your task using the Sprite Lab application, then create an interactive poster about yourself using at least three sprites with costumes and say blocks, a background, and at least one behavior. At the end of the class, students will vote on the best poster.

    Earning Tickets

    For each implementation of a coding task, you will receive one token. In addition, the student receiving the highest number of votes for best poster will receive ten tickets.

    Spending Tokens

    Tokens can be spent to purchase prizes from the instructor. The more tickets you spend, the better the rewards you may choose from.

    Strengths of the Behaviorist Approach as Illustrated in This Activity

    This activity uses several behavioral learning theory methods. The first method used is modeling, also known as observational learning. Zhou and Brown (2017) posit that children acquire many of their favorable and unfavorable behaviors by observing those around them. In addition, Bandura (1986, p. 45) states, “Of the many cues that influence behavior, at any point in time, none is more common than the action of others.” This activity encourages students to observe the instructor as they perform the tasks that will later be assigned to them to emulate.

    The second method used in this activity is shaping. Zhou and Brown (2017) describe shaping as the process of gradually changing the quality of response. By breaking this activity down into smaller discrete tasks followed by positive reinforcement, the students learn the skills they need to complete their ultimate mission of creating an interactive poster about themselves.

    Cueing is another method used in this activity. For example, if the student struggles to complete the smaller discrete introductory tasks, the instructor will give them hints or cues on what they need to do to get through the example. Zhou and Brown (2017) describe cueing as providing a verbal or non-verbal cue regarding the appropriateness of their behavior.

    The technique of positive reinforcement (reward) is described by Harasim (2017) as “the presentation of a stimulus that increases the likelihood of a response.” Positive reinforcement is applied to this activity through the earning of tokens that can be spent to buy prizes. When a student completes a task successfully, they earn a ticket. This encourages them to pay attention to the instructor as they demonstrate how to complete a task and provides an immediate consequence to their actions. By offering ten tickets to the student who receives the most votes for the best poster, students are motivated to exceed the minimum requirements of the activity and produce more intricate and engaging works.

    Limitations of the Behaviorist Approach as Illustrated in This Activity

    One of the limitations of the behaviorist approach used in this activity is that it places too much focus on individual learning. There is no interaction between students during the learning process. Weegar and Pacis (2012) note that in this approach, the instructor’s role is to lead the exchange, and the student’s role is to absorb the instructional presentations and materials. In addition, they point out, “Assessment and evaluation are based upon individual tests and performances to demonstrate mastery of entities, activities, and processes” (p. 6).

    By limiting the instruction to behaviorist methods, the participants miss out on the benefits of a more collaborative learning environment. Chandra (2015, p. 4-5) lists some of the benefits of collaborative learning:

    • Development of higher-level thinking, oral communication, self-management, and leadership skills.
    • Promotion of student-faculty interaction.
    • Increase in student retention, self-esteem, and responsibility.
    • Exposure to and an increase in understanding of diverse perspectives.
    • Preparation for real-life social and employment situations

    I have been a part of many online and in-person learning environments, and I have found that collaborating with other students, in or out of the classroom, is much more satisfying.

    Outcomes for Students and Instructors

    The outcome for students in this activity is that they learn how to use the Sprite Lab application to learn about event-driven programming. This skill translates to many computer languages, such as JavaScript and Python. While elementary in this activity, these concepts lay the groundwork for computational thinking that can benefit the students in any programming language they may learn later in life. As Moore et al. (2002, p. 118) point out, the outcomes for instructors are the development of “goals and objectives for teaching that include knowledge, skills, and attitudes that the student should master by the end of the teaching session.” By breaking down the lesson into bite-sized chunks, the instructor can ease the students through more progressively complex activities to achieve the desired outcome predictably.


    Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundation of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

    Chandra, R. (2015). Collaborative learning for educational achievement. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME), 5(3), 2320-7388.

    Code.org. (2022). Course E (2022). Retrieved January 20, 2023, from https://studio.code.org/s/coursee-2022

    Harasim, L. (2017). Learning theory and online technologies (2nd ed.). Routledge.

    Moore, D. A., Leamon, M. H., Cox, P. D., & Servis, M. E. (2002). Teaching implications of different educational theories and approaches. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 29(2), 117–123. https://doi.org/10.3138/jvme.29.2.117

    Weegar, M.A., & Pacis, D. (2012). A Comparison of Two Theories of Learning — Behaviorism and Constructivism as applied to Face-to-Face and Online Learning.

    Zhou, M., & Brown, D. (Eds.). (2017). Educational learning theories. Retrieved from https://sadil.ws/bitstream/handle/123456789/433/ALG%20Educational%20Learning%20Theories.pdf

    Assignment Grade: 40/40

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