Month: January 2023

    CourseworkEP600: The Psychology of LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Enacting and Analyzing Behaviorism

    Our task for Module 2 was to create an activity that employs behaviorism as its central learning theory. To further complicate the task, we needed to include a technological element in the activity, relying on Harasim’s (2017) discussion. The activity should be an assignment that we would use in either a classroom or a training environment.  It was to include the following: The second section of the assignment is a written analysis of why the scenario/activity that we provided is behaviorist, connecting that discussion to the readings in Unit 3 and Unit 4. In that analysis, we needed to discuss...
    Dissertation IdeasThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    Dissertation Idea: Artificial Intelligence in Online Education

    As my instructors tell me, it’s never too early to start thinking about your dissertation. At this point in my doctoral journey, I don’t know what the topic of my dissertation will be, but I am starting to kick around some ideas. My initial thought was to make my dissertation topic something along the line of the use of augmented reality in higher education coursework. I mentioned this topic in my interview with Dr. Statti when I applied to the doctoral program at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology. However, I am leaning toward using artificial intelligence (AI) In online...
    CourseworkEP600: The Psychology of LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    The SAMR Model: An Application in Basic Web Development

    This week, for Module 1, we were to design an assignment or task within a learning environment, either a school or a workplace, in a discipline or subject area with which we feel comfortable. The assignment must require the use of media (educational technology). The assignment should be approximately one page, and the audience must be the intended students/participants. In other words, we were not to write a paper describing the assignment. We needed to provide the context for the assignment. In other words, who are the intended students, and what is the assignment’s goal? In addition to developing the...
    Course DescriptionsEP600: The Psychology of LearningThe Chicago School of Professional Psychology

    EP600: The Psychology of Learning

    While this was not the first course I took in this program, I consider EP600: The Psychology of Learning to be the Educational Psychology and Technology program’s introductory course. This promises to be an exciting journey, and the course specifics are as follows. Official Course Description This course examines the theory of human learning with an emphasis on behavioral, cognitive, and technological models. The course also includes a focus on constructivist theory and learner types. Institutional Learning Competencies and Outcomes Institutional Learning Outcome Addressed Scholarship Graduates will be able to integrate scientific research and theory, as broadly defined, to enhance...