Annotated Bibliography: Gamified Project-Based Learning (GPBL) – Week 3

    In this assignment, which had three parts, we developed a focused research question and added it to our Annotated Bibliography and Webliography. The instructions for this assignment were to…

    1. Develop a focused and measurable research question, followed by a statement about:
      • The topic’s relevance to us and our teaching situation
      • The topic’s relevance to the field of education
    2. Complete five additional entries to our Annotated Bibliography specific to our research question.
    3. Add three more helpful websites to our Annotated Webliography, also specific to our research question.

    Assignment Resources

    Gamified Project Based Learning (GPBL)
    with Annotated Bibliography

    Frank Jamison

    Sanford College of Education, National University

    ITI690 Inspired Teaching Inquiry

    Dr. Deborah Algario

    May 26, 2024

    Research Question

    How does gamified project-based learning (GPBL) integration impact student motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes in middle school mathematics classes?

    Relevance to My Teaching Situation

    As a future middle school mathematics teacher, I am deeply invested in finding effective strategies to engage my students and foster a love for learning. The unique integration of gamified project-based learning (GPBL) in my classroom aligns with my teaching philosophy of creating a dynamic and interactive environment. GPBL, a novel approach, combines the motivational aspects of gamification with the practical, hands-on approach of project-based learning, making mathematics more relevant and enjoyable for students.

    Many students perceive mathematics as abstract and challenging, leading to disengagement and lacking motivation. However, by incorporating game elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards, GPBL has the potential to transform the learning experience, making it more engaging and rewarding. This approach makes learning fun and encourages students to take ownership of their learning process, thereby fostering intrinsic motivation.

    For example, the study by Alsadoon (2023) highlights how gamification significantly boosts student motivation and engagement in higher education, suggesting a promising potential in middle school settings. Additionally, the practical application of project-based learning, as described by New Tech Network (2023), supports the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential in mathematics education. By implementing GPBL, I am hopeful to see a significant enhancement in student motivation and engagement, critical factors for academic success in a subject that many students find challenging.

    Relevance to the Field of Education

    The integration of GPBL is highly relevant to the field of education as it addresses the ongoing challenge of engaging students in meaningful learning experiences. Research has shown that gamification and project-based learning independently improve student motivation and engagement. Combining these strategies leverages the strengths of both approaches, potentially leading to even greater educational outcomes.

    Gamification enhances student engagement by introducing elements of competition and reward, which can make learning more interactive and enjoyable (Buckley et al., 2017). Additionally, as discussed by Cloke (2020), the neuroscience behind gamification explains how game elements can stimulate the brain’s reward system, leading to increased motivation and retention. Project-based learning, on the other hand, provides students with real-world problems to solve, promoting deeper understanding and retention of knowledge (New Tech Network, 2023).

    Integrating these approaches through GPBL is particularly pertinent in today’s educational landscape, with a growing emphasis on developing 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving (Dailey, 2024). By exploring the impacts of GPBL, educators can gain valuable insights into designing and implementing instructional strategies that cater to diverse learning needs and preferences. This approach enhances student engagement and motivation and prepares students for the complexities of the modern world by fostering essential skills.

    Moreover, the systematic review by Zakaria (2024) underscores the importance of aligning gamification with students’ intrinsic motivations to maximize its effectiveness. This alignment ensures that the gamified elements do not overshadow educational goals but rather complement and enhance the learning experience.

    In conclusion, researching the integration of GPBL in middle school mathematics is crucial for developing innovative teaching methods to transform education, making it more engaging, relevant, and effective for students. This research will contribute to the broader field of education by providing evidence-based insights into how GPBL can be successfully implemented to improve student outcomes.

    Annotated Bibliography

    Alsadoon, H. (2023). The impact of gamification on student motivation and engagement: An empirical study. Dirasat: Educational Sciences, 50(2), 386–396.

    This article explores the effectiveness of gamification in enhancing student motivation and engagement within a computer essentials course at Saudi Electronic University. Using a quasi-experimental design, the study differentiated between control and experimental groups, demonstrating that gamification positively impacts student motivation and engagement. Key findings include statistically significantly higher scores in the gamified group than in a traditional learning setting. The study underscores the value of incorporating gamification strategies in educational contexts, particularly in higher education online courses, to boost student involvement and interest in learning. The author suggests that e-platforms and specific gamification applications should be leveraged to facilitate learning in computer science fields. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of aligning gamification strategies with well-established educational theories to enhance their effectiveness in fostering student engagement and motivation.

    Buckley, P., Doyle, E., & Doyle, S. (2017). Game on! Students’ perceptions of gamified learning. Educational Technology & Society, 20(3), 1–10.

    This study explores the perceptions of undergraduate and postgraduate students towards gamified learning within university modules. The authors employed an exploratory approach, using focus groups to delve into the students’ experiences with gamified learning interventions in a large undergraduate course and a smaller postgraduate module. The study identified six themes influencing students’ perceptions: the impact on learning outcomes, motivation, the importance of the stakes, group dynamics, gender differences, and challenges presented by gamified learning. Notably, the research found that gamification enhanced student engagement and motivation, especially among undergraduates, by integrating elements of competition and reward into the learning process. However, the effectiveness of gamification varied significantly between different educational contexts and student demographics, highlighting the nuanced nature of its implementation. The study contributes to the understanding of gamified learning by providing insights into student attitudes and suggesting considerations for educators looking to integrate gamification into their curricula effectively. This research is particularly valuable for its in-depth analysis of the contextual factors that can affect the success of gamification in educational settings.

    Cloke, H. (2020). Is gamification effective: The neuroscience of gamification explains why. Growth Engineering.

    This webpage, published by Growth Engineering, delves into the psychological and neurological underpinnings that make gamification an effective tool in online learning environments. The central thesis is that gamification enhances learning by tapping into the human brain’s reward systems, specifically through the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure and reward. The page explains that gamification elements like points, badges, and leaderboards simulate challenges and achievements in the learning process, making the experience more engaging and motivating. This approach increases attention and focus and improves retention rates as the brain associates learning with positive emotions and rewards. Moreover, the article discusses the role of social connections and competition facilitated through gamified learning environments, which can lead to enhanced commitment and collaborative learning among students. Additionally, the website touches on the concept of flow, a state of deep focus and immersion that gamified learning can foster. This state is achieved when learners face challenges matching their skill level, leading to increased productivity and satisfaction.

    College News Editorial Staff. (2024). The impact of gamification on students’ engagement and motivation. College News.

    The blog post from College News offers a comprehensive overview of how gamification influences student engagement and motivation within educational settings. The author discusses various aspects of gamification, including its psychological basis, implementation strategies, and ability to make learning more interactive and enjoyable. The article asserts that incorporating game mechanics like point scoring, competitions, and leveling up into educational content can significantly increase students’ intrinsic motivation and engagement levels. The discussion extends to the potential challenges and pitfalls of gamification. It emphasizes that while gamification can lead to higher engagement, it must be carefully designed to avoid reducing intrinsic motivation, where students might focus more on rewards than on learning itself. The article also considers the impact of gamification across different demographics and learning environments, suggesting that its effectiveness can vary widely based on the context in which it is applied. Overall, this article is an insightful resource for educators and curriculum designers interested in understanding the nuances of gamification in education. It provides practical advice on effectively implementing gamification techniques to enhance learning experiences without overshadowing educational goals. This piece is particularly useful for those looking to balance gamified elements’ motivational benefits with their educational programs’ pedagogical objectives.

    Dailey, D. (2024). Gamified project-based learning: The best of both worlds? ExplorEDU.

    This blog post, hosted on Medium by ExploreDU, provides an in-depth analysis of gamification and project-based learning (PBL) integration into educational settings. This integration, called Gamified Project-Based Learning (GPBL), is posited as a potent method to enhance student engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes by combining the structured, hands-on approach of PBL with the motivational incentives of gamification. The piece highlights several key advantages of GPBL, such as increased student engagement using game mechanics like points, badges, and leaderboards, which reward students for their learning progress and achievements. It further argues that GPBL makes learning more enjoyable and relevant, as it mimics real-world challenges and provides practical skills. Additionally, the article underscores the importance of GPBL in fostering essential 21st-century skills such as collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. A notable aspect of the post is its discussion of the neuroscience behind gamification. It explains how game elements can trigger dopamine release, positively affecting memory and motivation. The post concludes with practical tips for educators on implementing GPBL effectively, emphasizing the need to balance the gaming elements and educational content to ensure that learning objectives are met.

    Hugerat, M., Kortam, N., Maroun, N. T., & Basheer, A. (2020). The educational effectiveness of didactical games in project-based science learning among 5th grade students. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(10), em1888.

    This research article delves into the effectiveness of didactical games in enhancing project-based science learning among 5th-grade students. The study involved 188 students from two primary schools, divided into experimental and control groups, to investigate how didactical games influence learning outcomes, including student achievement, motivation, and the perception of the learning environment. Utilizing a comprehensive mixed-methods approach, the research incorporated pre-tests and post-tests, motivational questionnaires, and structured interviews with selected students to gather quantitative and qualitative data. Key findings from the study reveal that didactical games significantly boost students’ motivation to learn science, with enhancements noted in their enjoyment and engagement during learning activities. The experimental group, exposed to didactical games, showed markedly better academic performance and more positive perceptions of their learning environment than the control group, which followed traditional learning methods. This research underscores the potential of integrating educational games into science education, suggesting that such an approach makes learning more enjoyable and effective, fostering an environment where students are more engaged and motivated. The article contributes to educational literature by providing empirical evidence supporting the integration of game-based learning in educational settings, particularly within the science curriculum. It offers educators and curriculum designers valuable insights on effectively implementing gamified learning strategies to enhance educational outcomes and student engagement in learning processes.

    Leung, E., & Pluskwik, E. (2018). Effectiveness of gamification activities in a project-based learning classroom. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition  Proceedings, 30361.–30361

    This article examines the implementation and effectiveness of gamification activities within a project-based learning (PBL) environment at the Iron Range Engineering program of Minnesota State University, Mankato. The study uses game-based elements like online audience response systems and hands-on activities to enhance learning and engagement among engineering students. The authors implemented five different gamification activities across six technical courses, evaluating their impact on student engagement, understanding of technical concepts, and classroom dynamics through surveys and faculty reflections. The findings suggest that gamification significantly improves student motivation and engagement, providing instant feedback that helps students gauge their understanding of course material. Additionally, the activities created a more positive and dynamic learning environment. The study highlights the practical application of gamification in higher education, particularly in engineering, where technical content can often be challenging and dry. The gamified activities made learning more engaging and allowed instructors to identify and address individual student needs better, facilitating more effective peer-to-peer learning. Overall, this paper provides valuable insights into how gamified elements can be integrated into PBL settings to enhance educational outcomes. It is a useful resource for educators looking to incorporate similar strategies in their teaching, particularly in fields that benefit from active learning and engagement.

    Li, X., & Chu, S. K. W. (2021). Exploring the effects of gamification pedagogy on children’s reading: A mixed‐method study on academic performance, reading‐related mentality and behaviors, and sustainability. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(1), 160–178.

    This article investigates the impact of gamification pedagogy on primary school students’ reading engagement and performance through a gamified reading platform called Reading Battle (RB). Utilizing a mixed-method approach, the study comprises three sub-studies that collectively explore changes in academic performance, the perceptions of students, parents, and teachers regarding students’ motivation and reading gains, and the long-term sustainability of these effects. The findings reveal that deep engagement with the gamified platform significantly improves children’s reading motivation and abilities, with sustained effects over several semesters. The research highlights the potential of gamification to enhance children’s reading habits and skills, particularly in fostering a long-term interest in reading beyond the initial novelty of gamification. This study contributes to educational technology by offering empirical support for integrating gamification into reading education, demonstrating that such interventions can lead to meaningful and enduring improvements in student outcomes. This article is particularly valuable for educators and researchers interested in gamified learning environments’ practical and sustained impacts on children’s academic skills and motivations.

    Lynch, M. (2017). How does gamification affect the learning process? The Tech Edvocate.

    This blog post, published in The Tech Edvocate, explores the impact of gamification on educational outcomes, particularly focusing on how it transforms student engagement and knowledge retention. The author defines gamification as integrating gaming elements, mechanics, and frameworks into non-game scenarios, especially in education. The primary thrust of the article is that gamification boosts engagement by making learning more interactive and enjoyable, increasing students’ intrinsic motivation to learn and participate. The post elaborates on several key benefits of gamification, such as enhanced motivation through rewards, improved attention due to interactive content, and developing problem-solving skills through challenges requiring critical thinking. It also discusses the positive effects of immediate feedback in games, which helps learners understand their mistakes in real-time, allowing for quicker adjustment and learning. Additionally, the social aspect of gamification is highlighted, with competitive elements such as leaderboards and team challenges fostering a sense of community and cooperation among students. Furthermore, the piece touches on the psychological aspects of learning through gamification, mentioning how game-based learning can lead to higher endorphin release, which enhances cognitive function and retention. The article is well-suited for educators and instructional designers looking to integrate more interactive elements into their curricula to enhance student engagement and learning efficacy.

    Malhotra, R., Massoudi, M., & Jindal, R. (2020). An innovative approach: Coupling project-based learning and game-based learning approach in teaching software engineering course. IEEE.

    This article investigates the application of Gamified Project Based Learning (GPBL) in software engineering education, focusing on how integrating project-based and game-based learning approaches can enhance student engagement and better prepare them for professional practice. The authors argue that traditional educational methods in software engineering fail to fully engage students, suggesting that incorporating gamification elements into project-based learning environments can significantly increase motivation and learning effectiveness. The paper offers insights into how such an approach can bridge the gap between academic learning and industry demands by detailing a model where students participate in gamified projects that mimic real-world software development scenarios. It discusses the design and implementation of these gamified projects, evaluates their impact on student performance, and explores potential improvements and future directions for this educational model. The study provides empirical evidence demonstrating that students engaged in GPBL exhibit better understanding and higher performance than those in traditional learning settings. This contribution is particularly valuable for educators and curriculum designers seeking innovative ways to enhance software engineering education and to make learning more engaging and applicable to real-world contexts.

    Martínez-Hita, M., Gómez-Carrasco, C. J., & Miralles-Martínez, P. (2021). The effects of a gamified project based on historical thinking on the academic performance of primary school children. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(1), 122.

    This article investigates the impact of integrating gamification techniques into teaching history to fourth-grade students in Spain, focusing on the development of historical thinking skills. The study used a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test assessments to compare outcomes between a control group, which used traditional teaching methods, and an experimental group, which employed gamified learning activities. The results demonstrated that students in the gamified group showed significantly greater improvements in their understanding of historical concepts and overall academic performance than the control group. The research highlights the effectiveness of gamification in making the learning process more engaging and interactive, which appears to facilitate deeper understanding and better retention of historical information. The authors discuss how gamification can help overcome common educational challenges in history education, such as student disinterest and passive learning, by fostering an active and immersive learning environment. This paper contributes valuable insights into the pedagogical strategies transforming history education into a dynamic and motivating experience for young learners. It underscores the potential of gamified learning to enhance educational outcomes by aligning with students’ cognitive and emotional needs, thereby supporting more effective and meaningful learning.

    New Tech Network. (2023). The comprehensive guide to project-based learning: Empowering student choice through an effective teaching method.

    This webpage from New Tech Network provides a comprehensive overview of Project-Based Learning (PBL), a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore real-world problems and challenges to acquire deeper knowledge. The site describes PBL as a method that goes beyond traditional learning by engaging students in problem-solving and critical thinking, leading to a more profound understanding and retention of the material learned. It highlights key aspects of PBL, such as its ability to foster essential life skills, including collaboration, communication, and critical thinking. The site outlines how PBL integrates these skills into the curriculum by engaging students in investigation and inquiry as they respond to complex questions, problems, or challenges. Additionally, it emphasizes the role of PBL in enhancing student engagement and motivation by making learning relevant and meaningful through real-world applications.

    This resource is useful for educators looking to implement or improve their understanding of PBL in their teaching practices. It provides a definition and the educational benefits of PBL and delves into the structural components that make PBL effective. The site serves as a guide for developing future-focused, competency-based learning environments that prepare students for success in the workforce and beyond.

    Rahayu, F. S., Nugroho, L. E., Ferdiana, R., & Setyohadi, D. B. (2022). Motivation and engagement of final-year students when using e-learning: A qualitative study of gamification in pandemic situation. Sustainability, 14(14), 8906.

    This article provides an in-depth qualitative analysis of how gamification affects the motivation and engagement of final-year students using e-learning platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study utilizes thematic analysis to explore behavioral changes and students’ perceptions of gamification elements such as points, leaderboards, and badges. The research highlights that gamification can significantly transform student engagement from passive to active involvement, with many students transitioning from initial skepticism to appreciating the motivational benefits of the gamified elements. However, the study also notes the variability in effectiveness, indicating that gamification may enhance engagement and motivation for some students while potentially demotivating others depending on individual preferences and the specific design of gamification elements. Furthermore, the article discusses the importance of considering student population characteristics, such as their readiness and previous exposure to gamification, which can influence the outcomes of gamified learning strategies. This study contributes valuable insights into the nuanced impact of gamification on student engagement in an online learning context, particularly during the unprecedented educational challenges posed by the pandemic.

    Selawsky, J. (2019). Gamification in education: A new type of interactive learning. eLearning Industry.

    This article, published by eLearning Industry, delves into the concept of gamification within educational settings, offering insights into how it transforms traditional learning environments into more interactive and engaging experiences. The author discusses the integration of game mechanics, such as points, badges, and leaderboards, into educational content, emphasizing that this approach can significantly increase student motivation and engagement. The article highlights several benefits of gamification, including enhanced student participation, improved retention rates, and the development of problem-solving skills. It also addresses potential challenges and pitfalls, such as the risk of overemphasizing competitive elements, which might overshadow the learning objectives. The author provides examples of successful gamification implementations in various educational institutions, illustrating this strategy’s practical application and effectiveness in real-world settings. This resource is particularly valuable for educators and instructional designers looking to incorporate gamification into their curriculum. It offers a balanced view of the advantages and considerations of gamification in education. It provides a comprehensive understanding of designing and implementing effective gamified learning experiences that align with educational goals.

    Wang, Y. H. (2020). Integrating games, e-books and AR techniques to support project-based science learning. Educational Technology & Society, 23(3), 53–67.

    In this research, Yi Hsuan Wang explores the effectiveness of integrating advanced technological tools—specifically games, e-books, and augmented reality (AR)—into project-based learning (PBL) environments to support elementary science education. The study focuses on how these technologies can be combined to create a comprehensive learning model that engages students and enhances their ability to understand and apply scientific concepts. The integration of e-books provides accessible content and background information, AR adds an interactive visual layer that helps in conceptualizing complex scientific ideas, and games introduce elements of challenge and engagement that motivate learners. Wang’s method involved a comparative study with two groups of elementary students, one using the integrated tech approach and the other using traditional methods, to assess differences in learning outcomes and engagement levels. The findings indicate that while there was no significant difference in quantitative learning outcomes between the two groups, qualitative feedback from students suggested that the integrated approach led to higher engagement and a more enjoyable learning experience. This paper contributes to the field by highlighting the potential of technology-enhanced GPBL to make science education more dynamic and appealing to young learners and by offering practical insights into how various digital tools can be effectively combined in educational settings. (n.d.). How to use gamification in your classroom to encourage intrinsic motivation. Waterford.Org. Retrieved May 21, 2024, from

    This blog post on explores how gamification techniques can enhance learning experiences within educational settings. The article defines gamification as incorporating game-like elements into non-game contexts, such as classrooms, to increase student engagement and motivation. It describes several gamification methods, including using rewards, challenges, and levels to create a dynamic learning environment where students are more likely to engage with the material and retain information. The article outlines the key benefits of gamification, including increased student participation, enhanced motivation to learn, and improved behavioral outcomes. It also presents practical examples of how teachers can implement gamification strategies in their classrooms, ranging from simple point systems to more complex game-based learning platforms. Furthermore, it addresses potential drawbacks, such as the risk of emphasizing competition over collaboration and the need for careful integration to meet educational goals. The article serves as a practical guide for educators interested in using gamification to foster a more engaging and interactive classroom environment. It explains the theoretical underpinnings of gamification and provides actionable insights and considerations for its successful implementation in educational settings.

    Zakaria, A. (2024). A systematic review of gamification in MOOCs: Effects on student motivation, engagement, and dropout rates. Journal of Educators Online, 21(2).

    This systematic review delves into the application of gamification in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and its impact on student motivation, engagement, and dropout rates. The review comprehensively analyzes 16 studies to identify common gamification elements like badges, levels, and leaderboards and evaluates their effectiveness in enhancing student experiences in MOOCs. The findings indicate that while these gamification elements generally improve motivation and engagement, their impact on reducing dropout rates varies and is contingent upon how these elements are designed and implemented. The review suggests that gamification can significantly enhance learner retention and success when aligned with students’ intrinsic motivations and properly integrated into the MOOC framework. However, the effectiveness of gamification elements also depends on their specific design and the educational context, highlighting the need for further empirical research to optimize gamification strategies in online learning environments. This article contributes to educational technology by providing a nuanced understanding of the benefits and limitations of gamifying MOOCs, offering valuable insights for educators and course designers aiming to improve student outcomes in online learning platforms.

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